Well-Known Member
Yesterday I tried to get photos of the bunniesagain (long story
) and Bunberry jumped free. Well it was about to beHarebell and Selkie's turn to run loose so after a quick check to seeif I had everything to deal with three fighting rabbits if necessary Iopened their cage door and let them out too. I've been trying to get upthe courage (and time) to rebond them, somehow it seemed more difficultto think of doing three at once but actually it was incredible. I justwish I had a video camera and could have filmed it.
They've been separated since eight or nine weeks to make sure therewere no unwanted pregnancies and Bunberry has always looked lonely anda bit quieter than the others, he's never been fond of human company atall.
But the second he met them he was like a kid at Christmas. He binkiedover them, round them, round me, they went round ina littleherd together, grooming each other, snuggling, playing, then he'd goback to binkying, and they started binkying too. They were the happiestlittle group imaginable.They kept skidding up each other andstopping to touch noses before they were off again, and even moreamazingly Bunberry came over and gave me some bunny kisses too - thefirst ever from him
After a long while they all ended up back in the girls' cage and theyacted like he'd always been in it, they didn't mind at all. Well when Ihad to leave them I thought I'd better take him out just to be safe,and he ran and hid behind them and they looked like they were standingguard to stop me taking him, so I said a short prayer and left them alltogether in there for about half an hour. When I came back they'd goneto sleep but he was dozing for a couple of minutes then going to checkon each of them (they've always slept at opposite ends of the cage inthe day) like he couldn't really believe it was true. He was so HAPPY.
I've had such a warm feeling inside ever since it happened. Bunberryhasn't binkied in months. I did separate them when I went to bed and Ifelt bad for doing so but on the first day I thought it best. He can'tbe with them today because I'm working but he'll be back with them thisevening, and permanently very soon. Now I've got to rejig the internalstructure of the cages again :?.
Tarragon and Flopsy are taking a lot longer, they're not really fighting but they're still trying to establish dominance.
Just needed to share my happiness
They've been separated since eight or nine weeks to make sure therewere no unwanted pregnancies and Bunberry has always looked lonely anda bit quieter than the others, he's never been fond of human company atall.
But the second he met them he was like a kid at Christmas. He binkiedover them, round them, round me, they went round ina littleherd together, grooming each other, snuggling, playing, then he'd goback to binkying, and they started binkying too. They were the happiestlittle group imaginable.They kept skidding up each other andstopping to touch noses before they were off again, and even moreamazingly Bunberry came over and gave me some bunny kisses too - thefirst ever from him
After a long while they all ended up back in the girls' cage and theyacted like he'd always been in it, they didn't mind at all. Well when Ihad to leave them I thought I'd better take him out just to be safe,and he ran and hid behind them and they looked like they were standingguard to stop me taking him, so I said a short prayer and left them alltogether in there for about half an hour. When I came back they'd goneto sleep but he was dozing for a couple of minutes then going to checkon each of them (they've always slept at opposite ends of the cage inthe day) like he couldn't really believe it was true. He was so HAPPY.
I've had such a warm feeling inside ever since it happened. Bunberryhasn't binkied in months. I did separate them when I went to bed and Ifelt bad for doing so but on the first day I thought it best. He can'tbe with them today because I'm working but he'll be back with them thisevening, and permanently very soon. Now I've got to rejig the internalstructure of the cages again :?.
Tarragon and Flopsy are taking a lot longer, they're not really fighting but they're still trying to establish dominance.
Just needed to share my happiness