Well-Known Member
He just started this about a month or so ago.I've gone through three litter pans, because he chews them up and eatsthem until there is nothing left. He also kicks all of his litter(which is just cardboard chips) out of his litter box, then he does hisbusiness in it, and then kicks that out too. He also scratches the sideof his cage so badly, it has almost created a hole in it.
I've used different chew deterrents, including ChewStop made forrodents by Canopy, and Bitter Apple/Bitter Lime. It smells awful and heshakes his head whenever he smells it, but a few hours later, he's backto chewing it again. He's becoming very destructful.
I'd like to put a big block of wood in his cage that he can chew andclaw at, but almost all wood that is available iseithertreated or unsafe. Any suggestions?
He has kabob toys in his cage with wood chews on them, and he also hasstuff animals that he sleeps with, but doesn't chew up, as well as afew other rabbit toys with bells in them. He's beginning to destroythose too, and he used to not be this way.
Oh, also, he's gotten somewhat territorial with me. I can pick him upand hold him and play with him like I have always done, but whenever Igo to clean his litter box now, or refill his food bowl, or grabsomething out of his cage, he leaps at me and tries to grab me with hisfront paws. Almost like a cat, except when he does grab me, he tries tobite me. I'm clueless at this behavior, which like I said, just starteda month or so ago. Nothing around the home has changed at all either,everything is the same as far as I can tell.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
I've used different chew deterrents, including ChewStop made forrodents by Canopy, and Bitter Apple/Bitter Lime. It smells awful and heshakes his head whenever he smells it, but a few hours later, he's backto chewing it again. He's becoming very destructful.
I'd like to put a big block of wood in his cage that he can chew andclaw at, but almost all wood that is available iseithertreated or unsafe. Any suggestions?
He has kabob toys in his cage with wood chews on them, and he also hasstuff animals that he sleeps with, but doesn't chew up, as well as afew other rabbit toys with bells in them. He's beginning to destroythose too, and he used to not be this way.
Oh, also, he's gotten somewhat territorial with me. I can pick him upand hold him and play with him like I have always done, but whenever Igo to clean his litter box now, or refill his food bowl, or grabsomething out of his cage, he leaps at me and tries to grab me with hisfront paws. Almost like a cat, except when he does grab me, he tries tobite me. I'm clueless at this behavior, which like I said, just starteda month or so ago. Nothing around the home has changed at all either,everything is the same as far as I can tell.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!