Bumps on rabbit's face?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
, Ohio, USA
Today I noticed on Daisy's face that she has two small tufts of fur sticking out. Seems kind of random and appeared out of nowhere. I touched them to see if it was a bump or what, but I couldn't tell very well because Daisy doesn't like me touching her face. It seems like it could be a small bump. Here is a photo.


What do you guys think? Should I be concerned? I know these just appeared sometime today or last night.
KimandCocoa wrote:
Today I noticed on Daisy's face that she has two small tufts of fur sticking out.  Seems kind of random and appeared out of nowhere.  I touched them to see if it was a bump or what, but I couldn't tell very well because Daisy doesn't like me touching her face.  It seems like it could be a small bump.  Here is a photo. 


What do you guys think?  Should I be concerned?  I know these just appeared sometime today or last night. 

[align=center]Is it like those tufts of fur you pull outta stuffed animals? I think that's what they are. Silas gets those. None of my other buns do. (He's a Flemish Giant). I have no clue why though.
Yeah, like Yield said, could be tuff of loose fur? Rex fur is quite fine as it is. You really need to try and trance her so you can feel around a bit to see if it is bumps or not.;)

(And Yield, that text is horrific, very hard to read, lol.):p
It just looks like loose fur from a molt. Have you seen that before? Does this differ from that? Definitely feel the skin under there if you're concerned, though.
if you can put her on her back in your lap it may calm her. This can be dangerous for someone who has never done it before but might able you to feel her face better.
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Yeah, like Yield said, could be tuff of loose fur?  Rex fur is quite fine as it is.  You really need to try and trance her so you can feel around a bit to see if it is bumps or not.;)

(And Yield, that text is horrific, very hard to read, lol.):p

[align=center]Eep, is it that hard to see? No one has said anything before! This color better? =P
Ok phew, it looks like they were just tufts of fur! I have had Daisy about 7 months now and have not seen anything like that on her yet.

I came home from work and saw that one tuft was gone, it must have fallen out and the other one I was able to pull out easily although I don't think Daisy was too happy!

Thanks everyone :biggrin:

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