bump on ear

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2009
Reaction score
, New York, USA
Last night I was petting Sophie while he was laying on my chest. When he turned I was petting his ears and I felt something. It's a bump on the inside 'fold' of his ear about half an inch from his head. It feels rough and hair has covered it, it's not red or scabby looking. He's been fine eating, playing all that good stuff.

He's going to the vet this week to have it checked.
To rabbits get zits? Maybe it's a patch of dry skin. Anyway, better to be safe than sorry (as it could be a tiny abscess or the start of mites) so I'm glad you're taking him in. Please let us know what the vet says.
Thanks guys I've been really upset with Flash the other day not eating and taking him to the vet then feeling this on Soph. I could've taken both of them if I felt that a day early.

Has Flash had a fight with another rabbit?

My Benji has bumps on his ear, which are scars. This is from when he was with his previous owners (the b*****), and he must have been attacked by their other rabbit (we assume), becuase he was found in a box outside the vets I work at covered in blood (he also had his little parts attacked and had to have an emergency neuter) and also scars on the inside of his ear.

So if Flash is a rescue rabbit like Benji then he may have had a fight with another bun and scarred his ear.
No they're separated and they've been with me for 7yrs for Sophie and 5 yrs for Flash.

Sophie been really good to let me investigate but he's going end of the week. I've been giving Flash some time to see if he stops eating again due to his teethy spurs. The vet won't sedate him because of his age (16) but tries to knock off the spurs with his cone instrument. He got one spur knocked off last week but couldn't get the lower right one, he only has 4 teeth left not including his incisors.

I haven't been able to take Sophie to the vet last week my vet went on vacation. He's getting to be like my Dentist you can't get an appointment, he's off on Mon & Wed it's getting to be a joke.

Anyway, I've been checking his bump and now it's really small and scabby. So I may try to get him in on Friday to check things and probably will take Flash as well to have his teeth checked again.

Flash had a spur knocked off a few weeks ago but he has one that the vet couldn't get to while he wasawake. He can't sedate him at his age but now his eye is runny and he's loosing his hair there along with his chin, neck OY! That's nothing new he drools but now his front of his eye too! The vet won't sedate him until he stops eating which he did recently but started to eat again and hassince. It's wait until he stops eating to sedate him, he may not be able to be strong enough to recover or do it now while he's eating. It's one of those really tough decisions.
Yikes. I wondered what you did for anesthesia for your older bunnies. Your vet must be very experienced now, having done Flash's teeth like that! I hope you can get him in to have his teeth done before he stops eating again. It would be easier to do the surgery while he's under, but I would be even more worried about general anesthetic on an older bun with an empty tummy than just an older bun. :hanging:

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