Bump on Chubbys Left Foot - Cancer

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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2004
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Manalapan, New Jersey, USA
Last week we had to rush him to http://www.chesterfieldvetclinic.com/ to remove a bump from his left paw. He came out of surgery ok. We did a Biopsy on the bump and the dr said that it is cancer. And we should start injections , a 4-6 week process that will put the tumor in remission , she said that there is a 70% chance that it will go in remission. I have never experienced anything like this before so i really dont know how to take it .. Also she said she did not get all of it because he its in his foot ligeiments , she did not recommend us to remove his paw because they dont respond well to that at all. He is eating , drinking, hopping , everything is normal..he is 7 YRS old i know that might be a little old for a bun. If anyone has a bun that ever had this before please respond i just want to educate myself with this ordeal.

thanks for your time


oh here are the pictures

Tumor Before

Tumor After

I had a bun with a neurosarcoma (cancerous tumor on his abdomen) it was removed and I read the report. It was not clean at the edges so not all the tumor cells were gone.

The bun was young ..probably 3-4 yrs old and had no symptoms ..did not seem sick at
all the tumorgrew back within a month and since he wasn't sick I planned to have it removed again. he had some strange neurological symyptoms a week before the schedueled surgery that made him entirely debilitated and I decided to PTS at that time as the vet had told me the cancer would continue to return

I never received anything other than the surgical treatment for the cancer but from what I have heard cancer in buns is extremely difficult to treat as the buns have trouble with chemo part of it.
I know in some well established universities that if it was determined the cancer was not in the lymp nodes that possibly a leg could be removed. it sounds like you already have a rabbit saavy vet.

if I was you I would give him supportive care for the time he has left.
I'm really sorry about this !
My vet diagnosed my heart bunny, Ben, with a cancerous tumor the beginning of this year. Unfortunatly, surgery wasn't an option because it was surrounding his hock joint. And of course, a rabbit really can't do without one hind leg. He went over the Bridge February 23, 2008. I hope your bunny recovers and responds well to the chemo. :pray:
Hi Mike, I'm so sorry about Chubby's foot. We just went through that with Pixel. She had a tumor under her chin. They think they got it all in the surgery. All the edges were clean. We were lucky.

If Chubby does not react well to the chemo or if the cancer does not go into remission, I would have the foot removed. A friend of mine has a Checkered Giant who had her front left leg removed because of a very bad abscess, and she's doing great! Even digging tunnels in the enclosed garden area. The only problem she has is cleaning her left ear. My friend has to hold the ear down for her. Other than that, she's a very very happy bunny. And it's not really noticable that she's missing a leg.

Actually, I'd probably amputate the leg before I'd let them give Pixel chemo shots. We had a dog with lymphoma and they gave him a chemo shot. It made him feel much much worse than the lymphoma did. We chose to have him put to sleep rather than continue with the shots. I'd do the same with Pixel, too.

However, you have my full support for whatever you and your vet decide to do. I'm not advising you to amputate the leg, just saying that's what I'd choose to do. Best of luck to Chubby and to you.
I'm so sorry that you lost Ben. It is more difficult to lose a hind leg than a front one. Ben was very fortunate to have you in his life. As you still love him, he still loves you.
Hi everyone ! thanks for all the help. Well Chubby has Sarcoma , and the dr said that we should do Injections , 4 -6 week ( 1 per week) in hopes to put the tumor in remission for 9 months she said , rather than taking his paw off. We shall see, as long as his quality of life does not diminish we will not have to put him down. i just dont ever want to see him depressed or anything.. as of right now he is eating and acting normal.
I've not heard of this type of cancer, but I will include my input from what my experience has been. My Angel had Mammory Carcenoma. It was completely removed, margins clear. She died about a year later, I believe from more cancer. I cannot be sure as I did not opt for a necropsy. It's all I have to go on though.

I pray your Chubby pulls through and this doesn't come back. You're doing the right thing, entirely!

Best of luck, Chubby! Keep us posted on his condition. I've not heard of these injections, so this may be a very good thing and new epidemic to the animal community;).
Awwh No not cancer, :(Keep us updated on his condition :)
Wow, I wish I'd seen this before.

We just got back from taking one of our 12 year old golden retrievers to the vet for what looks like the same thing.
It turns out she has cancer that started in her nailbed and may have already spread to her lungs. We're waiting for the bloodwork to come back on the condition of her other organs before we decide what to do, but they're probably going to at the very least remove her toe.
I've not dealt with cancer in a bun yet, but I do know 2 who have had a front leg amputated and get along quite well. I would think that with patience and loving care, Chubby could learn to hop on 3 if that becomes your option.

We will be thinking of you. Keep us posted.
~Mary Ellen
We just got back from the dr , she said that they cant start the shots yet because the . Wound did not heal 100 % but its coming along very good she said. Then after it heals we are going to start 10cc Injections one time per week for six weeks. The dr said this should prolong his life by one year all pending if the tumor does not come back in the same spot then he might need surgery again.

Just wanted to thank everyone and ill keep everyone updated.

- mike
he is eating and acting normal. he hates the collar we have to put on him so he does not eat the stiches again ... other than that seems great... all these years i never knew he loved fresh corn so much !
So glad to hear he's doing well! That's great to hear.:)

Also, wanted to add:

HIGH_HEAT wrote:
all these years i never knew he loved fresh corn so much !

I would err on the side of caution feeding corn. It's not on the safe list of veggies here's what they say:

Can cause gas or are very sugary: do not feed
  • Green beans
  • White and red potatoes
  • Beets
  • Fresh corn
  • Fresh peas
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
I would err on the side of caution feeding corn. It's not on the safe list of veggies here's what they say:

Can cause gas or are very sugary:
  • Green beans


I give my guys a little less than a handfull of fresh green beans once every few weeks. That ammount is split between two bonded pairs and a single flemish giant - meaning two groups and one single get that ammount each..

In fact, Saturday (yesterday) was a day they got the "treats".
Leaf wrote:
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
I would err on the side of caution feeding corn. It's not on the safe list of veggies here's what they say:

Can cause gas or are very sugary:
  • Green beans

I give my guys a little less than a handfull of fresh green beans once every few weeks. That ammount is split between two bonded pairs and a single flemish giant - meaning two groups and one single get that ammount each..

In fact, Saturday (yesterday) was a day they got the "treats".

Haha. Yeah, I am guilty of feeding bad things as well. French fries and green beans.:shock: Just gotta watch it is all. Very limited.;)
Cancer of the foot....Oh, my goodness. Poor lil' guy.

I've no advice to offer, since I've no experience with rabbit-related cancer. But I wish Chubby a complete and speedy remission! :hug:
