Bumble Bunny?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2004
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I had Kiara out to run today and was laying onthe grass. For the longest while I thought there was a bee near by butthere wasn't! Everytime Kiara came near my head, I would hear a buzzlike a bee makes. I only hear it when she's moving. Is it just hermaking funny noises or is it possible that's tied to the teary eyeproblem?
Nope, not a problem! Fauna does the same thing.It's a sign of a happy bunny. Isn't it adorable? Fauna buzzes aroundhere all the time.


It's so funny! I've never heard it until todayand it's amazing how much it sounds like a bee! Is it just common ofHL's or many breeds? I've never heard my boys buzz!

We all got Bumble B's!
We've had "buzzers" of differentbreeds. We used to have an adorable little Dwarf Hotot buck,Bandit, who would carry on quite a conversation with me.

I want a noisy bunny!!!!!!! Bunny issoo quiet! She doesn't make any sounds! The only noise that comes fromher is the sound of the water bottle when she drinking water.
Until I got Kiara, I didn't know that bunniescould make these sounds. Well I've read about it but never experiencedit. One of my boys, Spice, has oinked once and snorts and thumps,that's all the sounds he's ever made.
When Vash sees that we have company, he hopstowards them buzzing with joy - he wants some pets andloving. Buzzing is a good thing!
Wish I could hear buzzing sounds from MeatHead.Since I was born deaf I can only hear it if they are near my ear withmy hearing aid on.

5:30 this morning I was sound as sleep with no hearing aid on at all. Ihear and feel the loud banging sound. I looked at my hubby and saidwhat the heck was that. Woke me up from a nice deep sleep then I saidwas that MeatHead. He shook his head yeah stop him before dad gets up.So I sprayed with the water bottle I had on my night stand for badanimals. Boy his thumpin was loud as can be.:shock:. I have never heardMeatHead thump until this morning. I have heard my HollandLops thump.:shock:

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