Well-Known Member
Yep, so nobody in America feels like building a big enough cage because people are stupid here and buy whatever is on sale. And little rabbits. 
Therefore I have modified some plans I found and am building my own. It is...not going smoothly but it's getting there. XD
Obviously I cannot change materials anymore, so I'm just hoping none of it is bad.
But, we've run into some snags. I know wire needs to go on the inside so the buns won't chew the wood and we need a new cage, but how am I supposed to go about doing this? The cage is, in total, 5h x 8w x 3l(yeah, it's huge) so we can't just turn it any which way we please whenever we feel like.
Also, so far we've only put wire on the front, because the doors ended up too big and we need to do some trimming so we can latch it, but we've just been using staples. Will that hold or is there a better way to keep wire on? These are 12 pound rabbits, but I've leaned on the wire and it stays put.
On the topic of wire, anyone have a good way to cut it? We had already made about 4 trips to the store that day so we used little wire cutters and cut every wire for three feet. It's hard. :[
Aaaand, lastly what angle is recommended for roofs? I would think 45 or so but I want to make sure before we go and ((attempt to)) trim the frame to put on the roof.
Sorry for the long post, I just don't want runaway/wet/injured rabbits.
Therefore I have modified some plans I found and am building my own. It is...not going smoothly but it's getting there. XD
Obviously I cannot change materials anymore, so I'm just hoping none of it is bad.
But, we've run into some snags. I know wire needs to go on the inside so the buns won't chew the wood and we need a new cage, but how am I supposed to go about doing this? The cage is, in total, 5h x 8w x 3l(yeah, it's huge) so we can't just turn it any which way we please whenever we feel like.
Also, so far we've only put wire on the front, because the doors ended up too big and we need to do some trimming so we can latch it, but we've just been using staples. Will that hold or is there a better way to keep wire on? These are 12 pound rabbits, but I've leaned on the wire and it stays put.
On the topic of wire, anyone have a good way to cut it? We had already made about 4 trips to the store that day so we used little wire cutters and cut every wire for three feet. It's hard. :[
Aaaand, lastly what angle is recommended for roofs? I would think 45 or so but I want to make sure before we go and ((attempt to)) trim the frame to put on the roof.
Sorry for the long post, I just don't want runaway/wet/injured rabbits.