Bud's Aggression

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Oh wow! I didn't realize even 10 raisins was toomuch. How much sugar intake can rabbits have per day anyway? He hasplenty of other things he gets to shred. My dad gave me (moreso justgave to me to throw away) some old books that was on the desk that hedidn't need while he was cleaning. So Bud has a closet full of books hegets the chew through, plus a ton of paper towel/toilet paper rollsfilled with tim hay along with some wicker baskets filled with hay.

My biggest worry isn't about him ruining the carpet. He never getsenough of a chance to really do any damage. I just don't want him toeat it and get clogged up. I think I might have to invest in a coupleof those floor mats for chairs to roll on to cover the entire room lol.
Update -

Alright so hes still being moody. Another thing hes started to do is,instead of nipping or biting he likes to dig on your hand (what I liketo call Boxing). Is this common and about howmad is he whenhe does this? I'm sure if this were a normal bunny thing it'd problyhurt pretty bad...

Also what I think might be going on is hes going through his adolescentperiod. Hes neutered so it doesn't seem that bad I guess. Hes still gotsomething up his butt though, thats for sure =P