Well-Known Member
CCWelch wrote:
I think CCWelch has an excellent idea with switching cages. I have heard breeders do this so that their rabbits get something new to explore. It helps stimulate their minds. Rabbits are smart animals. And switching cages could get that spark back, stimulate his mind by being in a new location, new sites. And that could spur on his interest in your does again. This could get him out of the funk he sounds like he's in.Try adding a little wheat germ oil to his feed (1/4 tsp) for a few days and put the does near him.
If that does not work, trade places...put the buck in the does cage and the doe in the bucks cage overnight, in the morning, bring the doe back to the buck in her cage and they should breed.
The territorial thing is taking the doe to the bucks cage...does are the territorial ones and have been known to tear the testicles off a buck when put together in her cage.
Always take the doe to the buck even if you have swapped cages, bring the doe back to the buck.