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sorry trying to be helpful. Hope u get on okay with this I'm sure it would mean so much to buck :sad:
I have to be outfor part of the afternoon, but I think this is soawesome!

Would highly suggest that you PM Pam Nockand ask her for links to the other Rabbit Forums that Buck hasparticipated in in the past. There may be some really goodrelationships on those forums that you might want to utilize, or poststhat you could copy for your project.

I went to visit that forum and post somethingasking if people would like to send something in, and it says I have towait 99 hours before I can post....whats up with that!

Amy: What a great idea. I PM'd you 1 already, but I'll look for more later when I have time.

M.E.: Oh, a downloadable file would be so wonderful! I wasgoing to PM you and ask you to e-mail it, but that would be great.


I'm still working on collecting all the information, putting it underheading, and eventually creating a table of contents. Amy will beputting (at least part of it) on the website. Knowing Buck, he wouldhave wanted a printable version as well ;)
Why not do that as a Rabbit.com care guide bookand you can sell them cheap. Like how guinea lynx does. She makes careguides for guinea pigs and sells them The money goes to rescues forguinea pigs. Or a special site like most of you said on all of BuckJones care cheats and advice.
A poorly written limerick for Buck...I don't know he seemed the limerick type...

There once was a man named buck
who made us all go, "oh, shucks,"
with his advice that grew sweeter
and a kind-faced demeanor.
For him now in grief our heads do duck.
What great thoughts. No worries aboutselling it. As long as we can all access it and it's helpfulwith our own rabbits and future rabbits, that's all he'd want.

I know this is going to take time, but it'll be the best reference nextto Kathy Smith and Pamnock that we have. Thank you SO muchfor doing this. I'm blown away, and I know his family will beas well.

(Don't forget how Buck told us how we had to be the Kahuna Rabbit when cutting their nails.)

Buck wrote:
Honest and forthwith discussion on a sensitive topic,without histronics or rancor, can lead to productive discourse in whichwe all learn a little bit more. May not change any minds, butopens them up just a crack more.

A wise man. Avery wise man. :)
There are a few tips on my site.

There will be eventually a downloadable file, with his contributions,to save people Pm'ing one another. That way there will one centralplace to get it from.

I will let everyone know when it is ready.

Jen (cirrustwi), Has the doc going ?


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