Bub's got something

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some times Rose itonly takes a tiny nick to letthe boogers in , Im glad its being takencare of cant have nothing happen to My Bubbers. Once Tank Kindlesshe will let you poke and prod her a bit, I wouldnt worry on her right now unlessyou can actually see or feel one .

You can only clean up so many times a day , andif its going to happen theres no amountof cleaning going to prevent it .Your doing fine .
I have to agree with you that I would ratherhave those nasty things then something worse. They will sortthemselves out if necessary.

Good Luck!! Have fun with the extraction process. LOL

Good to know that Bub is going GREAT! Youshould take pictures of hmi bouncing off the walls! I would love to seeem'! lols.

Bub is such a beauty!


- Katy

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