Dear Rose,
I have to commend you. Running across these pictures again brought smiles.
You really gave us a perfect example of what you go through when you open Bub's front door. He certainly loves his Momma.
The way you took these pictures makes me feel like I'm right there, andthat's my arm fighting him off and petting him at the same time.
I also have to tell you about how much I love his name. "Bub". Just "Bub".
Do you ever call him Bubba?
Do you say, "Aww..Lookit da Big Bubba Baby Buuoooyyyyy! "??
I never thought of that! Yes they are fixed. I just assumed becausethey chin everything else that they would chin me if they loved me thatmuch, lol. Maybe they just know I'm their's.Are Mocha and Spice fixed? Bub is not. That makes a difference sometimes!
rabbitgirl wrote:I never thought of that! Yes they are fixed. I just assumed becausethey chin everything else that they would chin me if they loved me thatmuch, lol. Maybe they just know I'm their's.Are Mochaand Spice fixed? Bub is not. That makes a difference sometimes!
I like bigger breeds, too. My 2 are medium mixed breeds though. My nextwill definitely be a big breed, whether that's when and if my parentslet me get another, or when my 2 get old. They're not even 2 yet, so Ihave a few years.
I just love Bub! I want to snuggle him, but I could do without the spraying.