Brown liquid on bunnies' litter pan

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Gatsby & Co

Apr 18, 2019
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I'm cleaning my bunnies' litter pan and I notice some red/brown liquid. Doesn't 100% appear to be blood. Image following...
Would say it looks like quite regular urine to me.
Poops are normal?
When I use white paper litter such as care fresh, i can see our rabbit has reddish urine after eating strawberry tops with some fruit on them
Our rabbits urine is always a reddish rust color. This concerned is tremendously but the vet said it was common and it wasn’t blood so not to worry. I do still worry. That seems so odd to me.
Normal pee colour is from almost clear to brown, including the red Pee Of Horror that turns the litterbox into the set of a cheap japanese splatter movie. All normal.

Blood imho wouldn't colour the pee uniformly, there would be strains and spots.
Could be either urine or some rabbits could spray all around even on their walls when they are hormonal I don't see anything you should worry about