Brogan: A special page for my special bunny :o)

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ayglnu13 wrote:
:D Hopefully he will stay like that when he is older:) What a nice bunny he would be.



I bet NOT! lol

Mine sat still at 3 didn't last....:p

But I love him anyway. The insane squiggle bunny stage is pretty darn cute.

What a cutie! I had no idea it was the samebunny when I first saw him! (I followed the other thread but hadnothing good to say -_-) I'm so glad to hear he's doing so well and youhave done SUCH a wonderful job with him! I hope he stays sweet(although wait for puberty--that will be interesting :p). Gah! He'sjust too cute! Way to go!! :D
Oh, he looks so good. I'm so happy tohear he is doing well! I was really worried about that littleguy. I can't believe how he's grown. What a strongboy.

More pictures of Brogan! I am a picoholic :D

"Will I make it up?"


"Yes I will!!! :)"


Just some random Brogan Pictures :) (These are all of Brogan eventhough it looks like is fur changes colors, it was just in differentlight)





"Being Squished by my siblings, can you see me in the back?"

"This is my cage, I can climb out! :D"


(He really can climb out of that cage)

look at those ears!! how adorable!!

its so nice to hear what a good life he must have even with the injured foot :)
Amy :lol when i watched the videoif Brogan on thecouch i was so thrilled hewas moving like a superbunny I yelled to my Husbandand was jumping up anddown lol he thought ihad totally lost my mind , 200lbs of slinging fat wasa danger to him he, didnt gettoo close lol but he watchedthe video , had me replayit then told me I wasnuts that there was nothing wrong withthat baby , Then i showed himthe pictures and he said , Wellyou would never suspecthis foot is missing , Maybe hejust misplaced it . im tellinya all this from a guy whohas very little sense of humor ! .
OH!!! OH!!!! what anEXCELLENT IDEA !!!!!!! such acaring girl you are ,The Children withdiisabilities are goingto enjoy seeing what he can do.

Amy I just love your sense ofresponsability you certainly are ONE ofa kind hon keep upthe good work !!!

gypsy wrote:
OH!!! OH!!!! what an EXCELLENT IDEA !!!!!!! such a caring girlyou are , The Children with diisabilities are going to enjoy seeingwhat he can do .

Amy I just love your sense of responsability you certainly are ONE of a kind hon keep up the good work !!!

Thanks! :D :D :D

I have ALWAYS wanted to do something therapy-ish with animals, butnormal therapy animals are dogs and we can have dogs. And then I foundthis website that has all different types of therapy animals and Ifigured what better animal to do therapy work then little ol' Brogan :DHopefully he will be able to be trained enough to go and to therapywork :)

I dont forsee anyreason he cant be , he is a verycleaver little dude , besidesthat he can do what everyou are determined to teach him, and a working bunny is ahappy bunny !

Bless your heart. Add me to the list of people that are proudof you and moved by how you have helped Brogan through already a hardtime. The pictures of him on that plaid couch are absolutelybeautiful. The colors of the couch and his fur complimenteach other perfectly.

Please give him a big hug and kiss from me. You've done anoutstandingjob!



This is Brogan looking me right in theeye esp-ing me to come swiftly and get him to be with ME!!!

SO, Back Off all of you who would standin ourway!

For surely if you interfere with thisplan you will bedoomed!

