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Wow... that is an incredibe story Gabby, Brice islucky to have a mommy like you! Poor thing that must be souncomfortable, those pics are heartbreaking especially the one lookingright at you aww:?I hope they find something thatcan help!

pamela227 wrote:
Wow... that is an incredibe story Gabby, Brice is lucky tohave a mommy like you! Poor thing that must be so uncomfortable, thosepics are heartbreaking especially the one looking right at youaww:?I hope they find something that can help!

fortunally for him right now it looks much worse to us than itis for him, he runs about now and chins and sniffs things :) buteverytime he chins or sniffs something it makes him exercise his neck,so it may straighen out yet. we (the vet and I) talked aboutaccupuncture, and or if there was a safe drug for buns, only proble ishe is not comfortable with her, and he kinda needs to be if she were todo accupuncture on him. I think mainly because she made himdo things he didn't want to and stuck things in his ear:p but he mightdecide after a while hey your ok, See i can get away with doing stufftoo him because i'm his beloved mummy