breeding rabitts

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Hello Lindsey:

Thanks for fixing the link, and yes they are themostlovely little thinks i've ever seen. they answer to mycall now when they hear my voice they come running to me.

Aww i dont want them to grow up!!!

I will be posting some more pictures as they grow.

Thanks again!!

Shannybunny & Heydi.

Hello Rose:

you've seen them then?? they are adorable i must say, mydaughter is in love with them so much that i'm not allowedtosell them ....this ones are staying with us. I'll get thefemalessterirle. so we do'nt have no more surprises. I willbe putting somemore pics soon.


cirrustwi wrote:
I've only had limited experience with breeding, but ingeneral it is not advisable to mate relatives. It can causegenetic recessive traits (usually the ones that are bad) to come outmore frequently.
Actually, linebreeding is advisable and perfectly okay.

Linebreeding does not Cause any genetic recessive traits~they have to already be present for any recessives to show.That goes for both Good and bad recessives. For instance, ifyou breed a Brother/Sister together, it emphisizes their genes and youcould get some Awesome rabbits out of that crossing (with compoundedgood traits) -AND- you could get some horribly bad rabbits out of thatcross (with compounded bad traits).

The reason for linebreeding is to limit the gene pool and whileimproving stock by keeping only those rabbits with the compounded goodtraits, you're exposing any bad traits in the gene pool and removingthose rabbits that inherited and exhibitthem from theherd.

The more a herd is outcrossed, the greater the gene pool, and themore possibilities of unwanted genetic recessives. ~JMHO.



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