breathing funny?

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...and some rabbits being rescues, you reallycan't be sure what kind of environment they lived in before arrived atyour home. Perhaps they were around people that smoked a lot, in a citywhere there was a lot of smog, was exposed to chemical cleaners thatcould've affected them, etc.

Not saying that's the case in Rose's situation, but Tina, don't know ifthe background of your little one is questionable, or isn't it? (Ican't keep your rabbits straight anymore.)

Buck's rabbit had a very quick breathing issue, but she was also theone that went through the GI Stasis operation and against all oddssurvived. We were very concerned about her breathing issues, but thatwasn't a problem at all during her operation and recovery.

Rose I amso glad she is much bettertonight I have been on pins and needles, worrying , but had a minorcrisis here tonight and am justnow able to get caught up .The kind ofsmall crisis asthefreezer door open , thawed meats, ovens fire , burnsetc nothing major will write a post on itlater , Its actuallykinda amusing ,
The reason I was asking is because afriend of mine also has two Holland Lops, both perfectly healthy butone breathes at a much faster rate than the other. When she mentionedit I noticed it with Mitzy but not Norman. From just reading this itseems some are prone to it. My friends rabbits have neverhadany health issues.I was curious if Pam hasnoticed this also.

Carolyn wrote:
rabbitgirl wrote:
Carolyn, yes, she can turn it on and off like Fauna.


Can you say "Drama Queen"?


Keep us posted as to when you're hearing it the most, during emotion orweather. With her being able to turn it on and off like that, I'm quiteencouraged.

Will say a prayer for our little Panada-Girl just for safe keeping.



lol, yes, Drama Queen fits well. So does Miss Insanity.:pGave me a scare!!!

Carolyn wrote:
...and some rabbits being rescues, you really can't be surewhat kind of environment they lived in before arrived at your home.Perhaps they were around people that smoked a lot, in a city wherethere was a lot of smog, was exposed to chemical cleaners that could'veaffected them, etc.

Not saying that's the case in Rose's situation, but Tina, don't know ifthe background of your little one is questionable, or isn't it? (Ican't keep your rabbits straight anymore.)

Very good point. Pandemonium was born in my herd, and lives outside, nosmog, etc. So it's not that in her case, as you said, but that is avalid issue with rescues.

Pandmonium is fine this morning. It rained! Ileaned close to hear her breathing and she bit my hat. She's got athing for that hat.:XThen she climbed my arm and tried toknock it off. And bit it again.

But anyway! Her breathing is almost totally normal. She scared me witha dead bunny flop (should have gotten a picture!), but seems fine.Little drama queen.

Thanks for everyone's help!!!!!


What a relief! I'm thrilled she's okay, Rose. I love that little one.

Im soglad Pandi Is feeling better ,little Stinker giveeveryone cause for heartfailure , I am glad it rainedand got all the crap out of theair , Tell Pandi ifshe doesnt stay healthy I amgoing to have to come downthere and smoosh her beyondrepair !!!
rabbitgirl wrote:
and she keeps on scaring us!!:X

and then it's like "who me, trouble??"



I'd be more worried about you being in trouble with HER rather than her being in trouble with you!

Priorities, Rose! Priorites!!!

Carolyn wrote:
I'd be more worried about you being in trouble with HER rather than her being in trouble with you!

Priorities, Rose! Priorites!!!



lol, like I said, she got my hat today. hehe

She's got priorities straight!


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