Well-Known Member
Well, it's hot and muggy today, thekindof day that's a harbinger of tornados to come. Not abreath of wind, and already hot at 9 am.
So my problem is:
Went out to feed today, and everyone's kind of lethargic and breathingfast, nothing abnormal for a warm day. Except Pandemonium's breathingpretty noisily, mostly when she gets excited. Keep in mind, hernormal respiration is much faster than any of the others, and Idon't know why. Always has been. And Izzy and Pandemonium tend tosqueak/wheeze (odd whistly noises) when they get excited.
I put my head on her side (she bit my hat), and her breathing, whilemore rapid, sounded much like Izzy's, not congested or anything. She'sbouncing around begging, but she is making a lot of noise.Especially when washing.
So I'm not sure if I'm just being over-paranoid, or if this is aHolland thing, or the heat, or something else altogether. Any ideas?Pam, you raise Hols....what do you think?
So my problem is:
Went out to feed today, and everyone's kind of lethargic and breathingfast, nothing abnormal for a warm day. Except Pandemonium's breathingpretty noisily, mostly when she gets excited. Keep in mind, hernormal respiration is much faster than any of the others, and Idon't know why. Always has been. And Izzy and Pandemonium tend tosqueak/wheeze (odd whistly noises) when they get excited.
I put my head on her side (she bit my hat), and her breathing, whilemore rapid, sounded much like Izzy's, not congested or anything. She'sbouncing around begging, but she is making a lot of noise.Especially when washing.
So I'm not sure if I'm just being over-paranoid, or if this is aHolland thing, or the heat, or something else altogether. Any ideas?Pam, you raise Hols....what do you think?