Well-Known Member
What the fudge is a bagle anyway??
I am also imagining a chocolate digestive covered in gravy :vomit:
I am also imagining a chocolate digestive covered in gravy :vomit:
Trying to think of anything else.
I'm curious about those biscuits with gravy,what kind ofbiscuits are they? is there anything in them?
so are they just like a bread thing?
I love love love biscuits and gravy... except I don't putsausage in mine like most people do, because I'm a vegetarianSincewithout the sausage flavoring it can be a bit bland, I add in a littleteeny bit of pure maple. I hate syrup, but I like a bit to flavor thegravy a bit. Lots of fresh ground pepper, too! Biscuits and gravy are areally popular thing around here. We cheat and buy Grand's biscuits...the kind that come in little cardboard tubes that you just pop open andseperate the biscuits. Pop them on a pan, pop that in the oven, andvoila!
Thanks Jim,i just might give them a try
I hadn't had them forever until I went back to Detroit last month.I love love love biscuits and gravy...
I'm english and I've never seen an english muffin before! :shock:I don't know about in America - in New Zealand we have bothkinds, muffin (like a giant cup cake) and English, which usually comessplit in the middle. Have you ever seen the muffin thing at Mconaldswith the egg and bacon in it? It's a bacon McMuffin here in NZ.
You are the first person from the UK I have seen who didn't know what an english muffin was :shock:.
You MUST try!!!!!!!!! THe bestest veggie sausage in the world. You canmake gravy with it tooo!