hey woman how are you?..i havent been on much lately either...i was catching up with ur blog and saw ur having probs with Snickers..that sucks!..keep in mind that uve had him the majority of his short life so u KNOW most of his history..so there is no hidden abuse reasoning for this behaviour...AND buns just dont get mean for no reason...theres something goin on thats bugging him ..u gotta sit back and pay attention and ull figure it out....im gonna suggest a few things that make a bun get mean ,sometimes its the kids ,they never mean any harm to them ,they just dont get that when moms not around that poking fingers in the cage or teasing bunnies is wrong ,kids will be kids..and when kids do it to cats or dogs its not as traumatizing as it is to a rabbit.now dont get me wrong im not saying ur kids are doin this
.im just tellin u what others have figured out with mean bunnies....also can Pickles get to Snickers cage when snickers is in it?..that would pissoff a bun real bad if another male bun was circling his area all the time....another thing is wash ur hands when u handle him ,he obviously hates Pickles so he doesnt want anything to do with his smell..
my doodle charged me in their play area and slammed so hard into my face with his face !he head butted me!! it scared the living poop outta me!!.i found out it was cuz of the way i was sitting ,everytime i sit on my knees and put my face really low to the ground it scares him and he charges!..took me awhile to figure that one out..i guess he thinks im a danger to him hunched over like that...my point is u have had him long enough to realize that its something that is going on in ur house thats making him very insecure...those grunts and aggressive behaviour seems mean but hes scared and hes a little bunny and thats the only way he knows how to protect himself...i know ur excellent with animals so ull figure out whats goin on with him..it just might take some time...but as much as hes scaring u ..isolating him will make it worse.put some oven mitts on or gloves and work with him all the time.,.this is fixable but only if u start working with him right away ..if not it will get worse...it wont fix itself.
my Petunia grunts all the time also but shes just likes to talk!.
id take his carpet away from him for now too.i dont like when animals are protective over items like that..i had to work with my pitbull with her toys and food...if i wanna grab what they got .im gonna freakin grab it ya know?..!!alot of times its the hesitation that u have when u want to grab something of theirs..i just go and get it ..lightly push his head to the ground and take it away from him...that shows ur in charge...not him...my tator tot tried to be in charge around here too .hes such a freakin cutie..,he would push back up on my hand when i pushed his little head down..and wed be having this pushing match goin on,,hehe..which can look quite silly with a wabbit...they are super strong tho when they wanna be.
im not trying to tell u what to do with ur critters Brandy im just trying to offer a few suggestions so u all can live in harmony.
.its all trial and error for everybody with animals..ive read up on so much of this stuff cuz i was rescueing so many bunnies , i had dif personalities coming thru my door.but i didnt know their past history ..u know Snickers so u got a jump start on this already..
..ul figure it out..if not ill take that little beast of urs!!!!!!!.
hugs my friend