Bracons pregnant!

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Just checking, but do you have a vet who is capable of caring for Bracon should she have problems giving birth? Make sure you have someone lined up just in case (this would be a must if I ever decided to breed, especially dwarf breeds), and bring Bracon in for a health check beforehand.
Well with her being that young and it being her first litter i wouldn't expect to much from her when Tracy had 7 nethies in a litter that was an amazing size litter, mine range from 1 to 4 but not all survive normally due to the dwarfing gene i suppose, and 1st litters tend to be smaller from what people have told me.

You can kepp mother and daughter together if they get on well enough, but sometimes mum gets fed up with them it depends on the doe i suppose.

I would pay close attention to her when she is due to go into labour if she is straining for along time then it can be a sign of a stuck kit and sometimes the kits can be quite big for the mum, as in if she just has 1 or 2 babies they will be a lot bigger than 3 or 4,

Do you have an idea on how many days pregnant she is? You need to count 31 days after to get the due date, expect her to make a nest before, if it is her first time (and i have a couple that do this) they can start making there nest quite early as in the 2nd week of pregnancy and i have seen 1 of my does pull some fur then too but usually they just start moving hay about and getting an idea of a nest, and then build it properly the week they are due.

Don't forget to give her some banana the week she is due to boost her potassium levels and 1/2 a rennie's for the 3 days before kindling for hercalcium levels, also might be worth giving her some raspberry leaves.

Don't stress out if she doesn't eat very much or anything a day or two before she is due, they tend to do this, sometimes they will just munch some hay and i always give my pregnant does the Burgess super forage as they seem to prefer this.

Just some tips to get you started lol PM me if you need me but there are a lot of folk on here with more knowledge than me:D

Edit to add: does can go anywher up to 35 days i have only had this happen once,

I also wanted to add:

I know its still very early, but be sure to have some cages lined up for the bunnies as they approach the 6-8 week mark and are separated from mom. You should probably have at least one pen for the girls and one for the boys. Its good to have this stuff ready before you really need it, so you dont have any more accidental litters.

We had one member earlier this year whose doe had (accidental) babies, then she didnt separate the boys in time and she couldnt keep them all separate for some reason- within a few months she had like 30 bunnies and nowhere to house them all- so the problem kept getting worse with does getting pregnant. It was insane.
I hope it all goes well then. I'm praying little Bracon will come through this ok. :pray:

I kept Pebble and Ebony with Berri afterwards, never had a single problem but it won't always work like that.
I'm sorry to here about this, Why can't people follow directions :tears2:

I am sure Bracon will be just fine just keep a close eye on her, Have you palpatated her to see if you feel anything?
Michaela wrote:
In all honesty, I think if I were you I'd have her spayed, NOW. I know a lot of people don't agree with it, they say it's abortion etc etc,

Wow, people have a problem with performing abortions on animals that get pregnant on accident? That makes no sense...

But I am in agreement with everyone. I would get her spayed. It will save everyone a whole lot of trouble.

Hope that all is well!
Well to be honest, some people have abortions when they have 'accidents' and I still don't agree with it :pLol. But I do understand when a doe's (or well woman's) health is in danger. I hope she'll be ok :)Keep us updated!
I am one that usually says nothing but it is something I am against. I feel very strongly about it. I do believe it is a choice a person makes.

Erik wrote:
Michaela wrote:
In all honesty, I think if I were you I'd have her spayed, NOW. I know a lot of people don't agree with it, they say it's abortion etc etc,

Wow, people have a problem with performing abortions on animals that get pregnant on accident? That makes no sense...

But I am in agreement with everyone. I would get her spayed. It will save everyone a whole lot of trouble.

Hope that all is well!
I belive that if a animal is in danger of passing due to a accidental breeding (being to young or something else)and the plan was to get the pet altered AND if it not to far along in thepregnacythen yes I belive that aborting is the right thing to do......... But would not do it if the pregnacy is almost 1/2 or full term. I guess it all just depends on the situation.
I don't want to scare Bracon or make this worse - but my concern is that complications can happen so that even if Bracon is spayed at the last moment - it could be too late. It might not happen - odds are good it won't.

But I know of three breeders (lionhead - which are usually very easy to breed) who have lost rabbits this year....all 3 were "planned" breedings - but the doe had problems and when rushed to the vet to be was too late. One gal spent like $600 only to be told that the kindest thing was to put the doe to sleep as there was no way she was going to make it and she would suffer (her uterus had ruptured or something like that).

The odds are against stuff like this happening - I'm not saying it WILL happen.

But things like that just tear my heart up......and all 3 breeders were experienced breeders who took action at the first sign of trouble....but it just didn't work out well.

My point was that if she is spayed before she goes into labor, her chances of having problems with the pregnancy don't exist. Particularly if it's done in the beginning/middle of the pregnancy, but even up until the 28th day, before she goes into labor, she will likely not have any problems. She won't *have* to have a C-section or emergency surgery if she's spayed.

I can't tell someone that they should do something, but if it were my rabbit, I would have her spayed, the sooner the better. The issue of rehoming the kittens, the post-pregnancy issues, all that, just don't seem worth it to me unless someone wants it (i.e. breeders who want to breed, not accidental pregnancies).

Even so the chances of her having problems with pregnancy are pretty low- rabbits can pop 'em out pretty well, (I realize that everyone here probably knows this already as many of you are breeders!)
I had heard that spaying a doe late in pregnancy is risky for the doe. I think it was Treasured Friend that told me that? I could be wrong, though.
It's better for the spay to be done as early as possible, but late-term spaying isn't what I would call "dangerous". It's not really any riskier for a rabbit to have a spay far into the pregnancy than it is for a dog or a cat to, but there is more of a risk of death than with an spay in the early-term, or even just a regular spay. The reason why is because when you do it later-term, the doe is losing more blood, more body mass, and more fluids than if she were to do it early on. It does require supervision by the vet, particularly right after the surgery. The recovery is a bit harder on her than if it were earlier

Which is why it's generally advised to get it done early-term or mid-term, within two weeks.
Bracon, I saw your other thread re. babies and am hoping you will re-think this - and call a vet now. I would hate to see anything happen to your girl, and/or potential kits.

Am not saying any of this to make you feel badly, or to frighten you. I can see why you'd feel very torn... the thing is, lots of people say they'like to have a bunny, but very few of those people are going to want to follow through with proper care and feeding, especially when:

1. the babies' hormones start kicking in

2. they realize just how much work a rabbit can be.

3. they breed "for fun" or "just to see what happens" or because they think having babies would be "cute."

You might want to take a look at these articles, too:
Well done a million for finding homes for the unborn babies- that's one big thing out of the way!! :)
Just a point, you say you cannot bring yourself to spay her while she's pregnant, but are going to spay her afterwards, so is it because you don't want to essentially 'abort' the kittens? In my opinion, I would just be focusing completely and utterly on Bracon, and if spaying her while pregnant, so the kittens are lost, is the best plan of action for your Bracon, then I would take it.
I don't know much about breeding or anything, but it seems to me that spaying her now would be the best thing you can do for her.

I understand completely that many many rabbits are completely fine during pregnancy, and it is only a few that have problems and may pass away during or after it, but you do not want to be one of the few, and if there is a chance to stop that then I think you should seriously consider taking it.

Since Bracon has already stated that she can not spay her doe until after the babies are born and weaned.....I think if we continue to talk about spaying this doe - it is like beating a dead horse. We've already given advice...but it won't be taken.

Perhaps we can turn our efforts instead towards sending good thoughts and prayers Bracon's way and being prepared to help w/ suggestions in case of stuck kits or birthing issues.

I hope everything goes well for you - I tried to research some information a bit ago on breeding and Netherland Dwarfs to find out what the statistics are for live births, etc. It seems to me like I was told that usually the first litter has issues and is born dead or whatever (when I bought my two Nethies two years ago). However, i don't remember for sure. I just remember that the breeder was showing me a doe that had a successful first litter and said she'd "always" live there as she'd earned her keep because most first time mamas lose the litter. But I'm going by memory here and that can be spotty....know what I mean?

Bracon, if you haven't done so - I suggest you read this thread which is sticked at the top of this forum on birth and weaning:

Good luck. Please do keep us updated on Bracon and if she has any kits, etc.

Peg your are right so far i have had 9 does that when mated for the first time only 1 had a full live first litter (Miffy) and she is a BIG doe,

i have had 1 have one baby then end up getting an emergency spay and c- section after twice trying the drugs to push the labour on, (there were 3 more dead kits inside her)

and 1 with a stuck kit and emergency c-section and spay.

The rest passsed the litters but they were all dead. So i have never had any luck really until Miffy (her babies are the blue and black selfs in my blog)

so out of 9 does i had 1 alive litter and 1 with 1 live baby but that was a nightmare because we had to try and get it to suckle and Boo was still out of it. It took the best part of a week to get Boo to accept it and a lot of no sleep!!!

If Bracon is on the small size or is only just hitting 6 months there is a good chance they will be dead. If she is big there is a chance that they might live, Though i will say i left Miffy till she was 8 1/2 months before mating her for the first time.
Since Bracon has already stated that she can not spay her doe until after the babies are born and weaned.....I think if we continue to talk about spaying this doe - it is like beating a dead horse. We've already given advice...but it won't be taken.

Sorry Tiny'smom- I didn't realise she had. I was just trying to help- lol maybe I would have been more help if I had actually read the thread thoroughly.:)

What's the reason Bracon cannot spay Bracon? Sorry I can't find it lol.

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