Buck Jones
Well-Known Member
Raph 54,
No, doubt, but they do have an "agenda" and some have claimed to beunjustly accused by members of the organization. Now, if youwere to post something you actually saw, and I had some priorknowledge of your credibility, reliabilityand character, Iwould be more prone to put stock in your comments than from "some"source as reported inan admittedly biased organization'swebsite.
On a political spectrum, PETA would be to the right of ALF(AnimalLIberation Front), which advocates violence in the name of animalrights, and equates animal life with that of humans.
I get nervous about any organization that implies it HAS all theanswers and I SHOULD follow its precepts without question, especiallyif that attitude is followed up with requests for my donation,forthwith. There are a couple of such rabbit orientedorganizations that I am very wary about.
I prefer an organization that says, "Here we are. This iswhat we do. Join us, if you like, or check out the otherguys. Here's their address." That is why, althoughI have never bred, or shown a rabbit, nor intend to, I chose to put mymoney where my mouth was and affiliated with ARBA for a long termmembership.
I was impressed with its general openmindedness to all forms of rabbitfancying and the fact that on its website it used to providelinksto another rabbit organization that wasdiametrically opposed to ARBA; whereas, that other organization did nothave the confidence to reciprocate.
No, doubt, but they do have an "agenda" and some have claimed to beunjustly accused by members of the organization. Now, if youwere to post something you actually saw, and I had some priorknowledge of your credibility, reliabilityand character, Iwould be more prone to put stock in your comments than from "some"source as reported inan admittedly biased organization'swebsite.
On a political spectrum, PETA would be to the right of ALF(AnimalLIberation Front), which advocates violence in the name of animalrights, and equates animal life with that of humans.
I get nervous about any organization that implies it HAS all theanswers and I SHOULD follow its precepts without question, especiallyif that attitude is followed up with requests for my donation,forthwith. There are a couple of such rabbit orientedorganizations that I am very wary about.
I prefer an organization that says, "Here we are. This iswhat we do. Join us, if you like, or check out the otherguys. Here's their address." That is why, althoughI have never bred, or shown a rabbit, nor intend to, I chose to put mymoney where my mouth was and affiliated with ARBA for a long termmembership.
I was impressed with its general openmindedness to all forms of rabbitfancying and the fact that on its website it used to providelinksto another rabbit organization that wasdiametrically opposed to ARBA; whereas, that other organization did nothave the confidence to reciprocate.
