So... Cocoa is my 2nd bun. Our first, Pepe, was less affectionate, and didn't engage with us as much as Cocoa does. I learned his cues and we got along swimmingly.
Cocoa is just different. She's flat out bossy. I love that in her; she cracks me up! Thumping can happen for any reason (startled, the closet door is closed, the cat came in the room, YOU are in the room and didn't announce your presence, you moved her step toy and didn't move it back, etc). Pepe only thumped at me once (when I changed his litter material on him and didn't ask what he preferred).
When Pepe did the digging thing on me, I knew he wanted to be pet. Cocoa is another story. I have no idea what she wants. At first I though she wanted to be pet (no), then I thought she wanted me to move (also no... she just keeps digging wherever I place myself) and the dig is often followed by a nip. I think I need to train her out of it BUT if it's she's trying to tell me something, I want to know what that is.
By the way, she's VERY friendly. She adores pets and being brushed, and loves when I stack all her toys up so she can tear them all down. She likes to chase the cats and even flops by one of them. She has tons of space and does zoomies and binkies every single evening when we're all hanging out together. I love how interactive she is, I just want to be able to understand her better.
Thanks for your input!

Cocoa is just different. She's flat out bossy. I love that in her; she cracks me up! Thumping can happen for any reason (startled, the closet door is closed, the cat came in the room, YOU are in the room and didn't announce your presence, you moved her step toy and didn't move it back, etc). Pepe only thumped at me once (when I changed his litter material on him and didn't ask what he preferred).
When Pepe did the digging thing on me, I knew he wanted to be pet. Cocoa is another story. I have no idea what she wants. At first I though she wanted to be pet (no), then I thought she wanted me to move (also no... she just keeps digging wherever I place myself) and the dig is often followed by a nip. I think I need to train her out of it BUT if it's she's trying to tell me something, I want to know what that is.
By the way, she's VERY friendly. She adores pets and being brushed, and loves when I stack all her toys up so she can tear them all down. She likes to chase the cats and even flops by one of them. She has tons of space and does zoomies and binkies every single evening when we're all hanging out together. I love how interactive she is, I just want to be able to understand her better.
Thanks for your input!