Well-Known Member
I love reading just about anything.I've read all but three of Anne Rice's non-erotica novels, I will readANY Michael Crichton novel you put in my hands, I love Robin Cook, andI'm in the process of beginning some classics, like Homer'sOdessy and Robinson Crusoe, and the likes. I'vegot a few historical documents I'm starting as well.
I get on these kicks where I read EVERY book in either a certain genreor by a certain author that I can get my hands on. Lol...
Lik right now, I've downloaded works by Homer (his epistles andsatires, as well as The Art of Poetry). I'm just trying tobroaden my reading range.
I used to only read fiction novels, but have been getting the urge to branch out and see what else is out there.
Eventually, I would like to boast that I've read War of the Worlds...but I don't know if I have the patience...LOL!!
Until then, I will continue my current quests.
I get on these kicks where I read EVERY book in either a certain genreor by a certain author that I can get my hands on. Lol...
Lik right now, I've downloaded works by Homer (his epistles andsatires, as well as The Art of Poetry). I'm just trying tobroaden my reading range.
I used to only read fiction novels, but have been getting the urge to branch out and see what else is out there.
Eventually, I would like to boast that I've read War of the Worlds...but I don't know if I have the patience...LOL!!
Until then, I will continue my current quests.