Bonding Three rabbits-worth it?

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Active Member
Mar 31, 2005
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, , United Kingdom
I currently have two rabbits, a neutered male named Spotch who will be 3 years this month and a spayed female name Smudge who is about 3years and 3 months. They live together outside in a 20sq ft cage with an 8sq ft loft. They get the run of the garden every day for at least 4 hours, mostly 8 hours+ since I am home almost all day! I have been thinking about getting another rescue rabbit as I would love to have another and love to have the chance to give another rabbit a well deserved home.

However! I haven't seen any bonded trio's that weren't brought up together and was wanting your opinions on bonding trio's. Is it worth the risk of breaking up the bond of my current two? It took me a week to bond my two, there was a little humping to start with and that was it. There was no nipping, no fur flying, no fighting.. nothing. Just a little chasing and humping but that was because I only waited 2 weeks after Spotch's neuter to introduce them! That was 2 years ago now and they have lived together quite happily.

I have been doing some researching about bonding trio's but there is very little information out there! I am unsure whether to get an adult or baby, male or female! I am finding it hard to determine which of my two rabbits is the dominant one. Smudge is ALWAYS grooming Spotch and she also always puts her head down low to ask to be groomed but is rarely groomed by him. Smudge is very sweet natured although a little nervous around other rabbits as she was attacked by an unspayed female when she was little. She is very confident around humans and is very nosey! Spotch on the other hand is lazy and aggressive towards humans. He doesn't like to be touched and heaven forbid you stick your hand in his cage while he's there! He doesn't even groom himself properly so Smudge has to do it for him. Neither are aggressive towards each other however Smudge will sometimes lunge at the cat's throat. She doesn't like rabbits coming up behind her and gets easily scared when Spotch comes bounding up behind her.

So I think that Spotch is the dominant rabbit but can't be sure! Do you think it is worth adding a third rabbit? I don't want any injuries or to end up with three seperate rabbits but I would so love a third! I also think Smudge could do with another friend who will groom her when asked, she seems so desperate to be groomed but Spotch hardly ever grooms her. I was thinking a spayed female under a year would be best but what do you think?

I was going to take them both along to the rescue and put them on their harness so they can walk along and maybe choose who they want lol. Of course it will be a strange territory so they won't behave the same way at home but it may give me an idea as to what rabbit to look for!

Sorry for it being so long! I hope you get what I am saying and I haven't confused you! :p
Im not sure. If I was going to get another rabbit I'd get a female rabbit of a similar age, two males are harder to bond and younger rabbits usualy get bullied. Not sure if I'm right :?
I'd be interested to know as well as I am going to be bonding my male and female couple to a male on Sunday :?:?

marach8000 wrote:
I'd be interested to know as well as I am going to be bonding my male and female couple to a male on Sunday :?:?

Ohh! Let me know how it goes! I will be contacting the rescue this week but I doubt I will get another rabbit by Sunday. Fingers crossed for you!
Hey there! I am currently working on bonding a trio - and there are a couple members on here who already have trios or are working their way towards one.

It does sound to me like Spotch is the dominant bun - I have a similar situation, where I can't really figure out who the dominant bun is in my bonded pair.

Bringing in a 3rd is always risky - there are no guarantees as to what will happen. In your situation, since Spotch is the more agressive of the two, I agree with you that a spayed female would be best. Also, a spayed female that is around a year old (or older) will have already grown out of their hormonal territorial age (if they had one)... so keep that in mind as well.

I think taking your buns in to a shelter and having them meet with some other bunnies that are there might be your best bet. You can put your pair in an enclosure together and then introduce them to various other bunnies and see if they find one that they ignore (which is a great sign).

Good luck! Let us know how you're getting on - there's lots of folks on here to give advice, and I'm keeping a blog in the bunny blog section of the forum on my trio bonding activities.

Thanks for the insight guys! I decided to take the plunge and go have a look at the local rescue. She only had a few rabbits so we settled on a grey lionhead named Fay, she about 10 months old. She had a few around 3years of age but we decided to go for Fay instead, hoping that Smudge would see her as a baby and accept her. We should be picking her up sometime this week and then she will be spayed and vaccinated!

Fingers crossed.

As you can see, trios can succeed...and it's a beautiful thing when they do. My advice? Be patient and listen to the bunnies' feelings - they'll show you how it's going.

I'll be here to cheer you on as you go through the process! :party0002:

-Mary Ellen
I had 3 bonded at one time... ashes...frosty and taffy until I found out taffy was a boy... they got along great... I tried to bond foster with ashes and frosty but it did not work out at all ... ashes and frosty can not stand each other... I want to get taffy fixed soon and get foster fixed and maybe try to bond foster and taffy ..
JadeIcing wrote:
I love my trio. Ok maybe I am biased but they are perfect.:biggrin2:
Aww...I am so jealous. When Stewart died, Gingi no longer wanted to be with Emmaline (he was like the glue of the trio...he's the chubby white guy in the middle of the photo). Anyway, no trios since then. It's so much fun to watch 3 snuggle!
It is awesome to see them together. We are determined to get some bonding going on.

Check out the bonding blog in my links I am going to post.

Bunnicula wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
I love my trio. Ok maybe I am biased but they are perfect.:biggrin2:
Aww...I am so jealous. When Stewart died, Gingi no longer wanted to be with Emmaline (he was like the glue of the trio...he's the chubby white guy in the middle of the photo). Anyway, no trios since then. It's so much fun to watch 3 snuggle!
It's so great seeing that people actually have a bonded trio! What wonderful pictures!

I need some advice. I got Fay who is now called Smokey spayed 3 weeks ago.. how long should I wait until I start bonding, some say 4 weeks and some say 6 weeks! Also I moved Smokey outside into her hutch, the two rabbits came running up to her cage with their tails raised and sniffed her through the bars. Then suddenly the male rabbit turned on his female companion and chased her up the garden biting her bum. I quickly intervened and the fighting stop, that was about 2 weeks ago and they have been ok together since then.

Is that a bad sign? Or was putting her outside in their territory while still reeking of hormones just a bad idea? It was too soon and I don't know what I was thinking! I am considering doing invidiual introductions to start with like Smokey on Smudge and then Smokey on Hotchpotch to see who is going to be a problem!

What happened between them a few weeks ago has really put me of bonding them, I really don't want to break up their current bond. Smudge is very timid when it comes to other rabbits, she got beaten up twice when she was a baby by my other rabbit who has now passed. So she hates it when another rabbit, including Hotchpotch comes up from behind. She is human confident but very timid with other rabbits. When I first introduced them together there was no chasing, a little mounting but that was it. Within a week Hotchpotch and Smudge were grooming each other, it was like love at first sight!

So how long should I wait now? I want to get the bonding over and done with, I am so anxious about it! I was just thinking I could make her a house rabbit but then she won't have the company of one of her own which is sad. But we'll see!
I know noting about trios. Just wanted to tell you that I will watch and learn from you.:popcorn2 Lol. I intend to attempt a trio by introducing my younger female to my couple. The two females hate each other but neither were spayed at the time so hopefully it will help a bit. :biggrin2:

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