Bonding in the car on the way home

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Retired Moderator
Jan 18, 2007
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Austin, Texas, USA
As all of you SHOULD know....I get Madilyn-Mae today at 2pm!! WOOOOO!!

I just have a couple final questions...

I am putting the boys in their large dog crate for the trip. I readthat bonding in the car helps. Is it smart to put Madilyn-Mae in withthem when I pick her up, but have another cage in the car incase theyfight, so I can separate her from them?

If so....when do I put her in the carrier with them? Do I bring her outto the car and then put her in it...then take off? Or do I put her inthe car in her carrier (separate from the boy's), then when the carstarts moving, put her in with them?

If they fight, how do I separate? I don't want to get bit. I do notknow Madilyn's personality....I have never met her and won't until wepick her up.

**Ryan will be with me, so he will do the driving while I supervise the buns**

Beh, I'm lost. I don't want to make the wrong choice of putting her inwith them since she isn't spayed and I don't know her personality, thenthem fighting and possibly ruining a bond later on.

What do you guys think?

- Amy

Yay! I'm so excited for you! :D


I'm not sure. I've never had experience with car bondings, so maybe someone who does will be able to help you?

I personally would wait until she's settled down at home before trying any bonding, but that's just me.

If you are wanting to bring the boys along and try to put her in thecarrier, I would definitely bring thick gloves and a squirt bottle.Maybe also a bottle of water and a towel.

Good luck! :)
It would be MUCH easier to not bring the buns. Ihave a feeling its going to be a pain in the tush to bring them. Whatif my boys start fighting in their carrier because of the new lady bunin the car? Then what? I don't have any extra carriers or boxes. Idon't want them getting hurt.

I just got a strong feeling I should leave them home and wait untilafter she is spayed (the 28th of this month) and healed before tryingany meeting-times.

- Amy

You are right. I am just too worried. I didn't really think about it until I posted this topic.

I can always take them for car rides to help the bonding process after she is spayed and healed.

Phew, now I feel better, haha.

- Amy
:hug2:Relax.. Breathe! :D I'm so excited for you! Don't worry, everything willbe awesome!

I'll be waiting for some pictures and details.. hehe ;). That is if you can find time in between cuddles and smooches! ;):D
Pictures are going to be up as soon as I get home. I'll be snapping pictures the whole way home, lol.

- Amy:brownbunny

What I did with my guys was doing a bondingsession in the back room of the shelter with Lisa (SARSco-ordinator). After all three got on well for an hour or sowe decided I should take them home.

So they all went in a box and where driven home. That seemed to really help.

From there they went straight into a pen in a neutral territory and they stayed there till I built my new cages.

There was no fighting, and barely any humping with my guys, it was truly an easy bonding experience.

So I would take the boys in to where the girl is, and maybe introduceeveryone on a table or in a bath tub with a towell layeddown. Then if there is no agression and not too much humping,then I would put her in the same carrier.

Other wise I would put her carrier facing the boys so they can see and smell each other but not fight.

What if my boy's start fighting in their carrier because she is in the car? I don't have any extra carriers.

Also, she isn't spayed shouldn't I wait until she is spayed to even try any type of bonding?

- Amy
I would wait until she is spayed. Iwouldn't try bonding the day you get her, it will be stressful enoughfor her to be taken to a new place, I wouldn't want to add to thatstress by putting her in with two strange boys. I would waituntil she is settled in and spayed. Also, the boys will beused to her scent by then and may be more easily bonded.

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