Well-Known Member
Hi Peapoo_bunny!
The bunnies are good, but unfortunately I've had to stop their bondingsessions until Layla gets spayed. She is very hormonal at the momentand she won't leave Rodney alone and keeps humping his head. He isstarting to get annoyed with her so I will give them a break from eachother for now, because I don't want a fight to break out. Thank you forasking about them.
How are your gorgeous buns Peapoo and Petey going? I hope the bondingis going well. They sound like they get along so great! I really hopeRodney and Layla can be like that someday.
The bunnies are good, but unfortunately I've had to stop their bondingsessions until Layla gets spayed. She is very hormonal at the momentand she won't leave Rodney alone and keeps humping his head. He isstarting to get annoyed with her so I will give them a break from eachother for now, because I don't want a fight to break out. Thank you forasking about them.
How are your gorgeous buns Peapoo and Petey going? I hope the bondingis going well. They sound like they get along so great! I really hopeRodney and Layla can be like that someday.