Bonding bunnies

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Hi Peapoo_bunny!

The bunnies are good, but unfortunately I've had to stop their bondingsessions until Layla gets spayed. She is very hormonal at the momentand she won't leave Rodney alone and keeps humping his head. He isstarting to get annoyed with her so I will give them a break from eachother for now, because I don't want a fight to break out. Thank you forasking about them. :)

How are your gorgeous buns Peapoo and Petey going? I hope the bondingis going well. They sound like they get along so great! I really hopeRodney and Layla can be like that someday. sry you had to stop the bonding for now... i bet everything will be fine once she's spayed:D

peapoo and petey are great.. peteyloves peapoo so much...hefollows her everywhere..and will hardly leave their cage unless shedoes:)
Thanks peapoo_bunny, hopefully Layla won't bug Rodney as much when she is spayed, and I can start the bonding again. :)

Aww that so cute how Petey follows Peapoo around, he sounds like such asweet little boy. I'm sure Peapoo is pleased with all that extraattention. I think they make the cutest couple, I love reading yourbunny blogs! :inlove:
Hi Peapoo_bunny!

I will make it my top priority to take lots of new pictures, butunfortunately it will have to be in 2 weeks time. I have 7 assignmentsdue and exams at the moment. :faint:

When it's all over, I will make up for my lack of photos :).

Ps. I hope Peapoo and Petey are doing great!
peapoo and petey are doing great..they get to beloose in my room 24/7 now and they love it..sometimes they have to goup at night because theyre loud, but they are usually out all the time..

they wont be to happy when they hear that they have to wait two weeksfor more rodney&layla pictures..but i think i cancontrol them until then;)

good luck with all the assignments!:D

Thank you! :)

That's fantastic Peapoo and Petey get to have free run of your room24/7, they must love it! I can't wait till Layla and Rodney are bondedso they can have more freedom like that. At the moment they havetotake turns. Rodney gets so jealous when Layla is out,hepretty muchhas a hissy fitand throwshis toys against the cage walls.

Send Peapoo and Petey my apologies for the long wait till I have more photos. :kiss:
Hi :)

Rodney and Layla are doing ok, they aren't having bonding sessions at the moment though because Layla is being grumpy. She hasn't been spayed yet, I need to wait till I have holidays so I can be home to look after her.

How are Peapoo and Petey going?
theyre good..peapoos still not spayed.. but shes been in a good mood i let them out together all day today.. no fighting ill prob let them out tomorrow together
Aww thats so great Peapoos in a better mood. Petey must have been happy to get to play with her! How cute.
petey is so happy... theyve been out together 24/7.. they get up on the extra bed and stretch out together...its so cute..when i get my camera back im going to try to get a picture
Oh I'm so happy to hear that, that's so awesome. That sounds so cute, them stretched out on the bed together. :inlove:They make such a gorgeous couple.

I took Rodney and Layla outside together the other day, and the break in the bonding seems to have done them some good. Layla didn't annoy him as much with the constant mounting she was doing before. They were binkying and rolling in the grass together. But Layla has been trying to eat Rodneys whiskers... I'm not sure what that means.
I'm so thrilled, I just had the best bonding session with Rodney and Layla. :happydance

It's a gorgeous sunny day so I took them outside for 3 hours. They were playing together so nicely, and Layla didn'ttry toterrorize Rodney at all like she usually does.

Towards the end of the session both bunnies disappeared, and I found them grooming each other behind a pot plant! I have been waiting for mutual grooming for 5 months now, I was so happy. Layla was groomingRodney's ears and face for absolutely ages.

Just had to share my happy moment. :)
Thanks for the repliesNaturestee and LuvaBun! :)

I had another successful bonding session today with more grooming! I know it sounds small, but they've never been so cuddly with each other and I've been trying to bond them for months now.
Hehe,maybe it has been the nice weather we have been having..for a winter season:?,well it is almost spring time anyway...the season for love....and romance..hmmm..

maybe Rodney and Layla have a bit of spring fever lol

anyway..that is great news and lets hope that it continues:)


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