Bonding After A Spay

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2004
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I hope I put this in the right section!

I had my doe spayed on April 19 so tomorrow will be a month exactly andmy buck has been neutered since 2003 so he's not what I'm concernedabout. I'm just wondering how long after a spay you should wait beforeattemptingto bond them? So far I've only been able to findthat you should wait 2 weeks from one source but I wanttomake sure I'm not rushing things by trying too soon.

Thanks for your help.
Hi MBB! I've missed you! How are Mocha and Spice, and which lucky boy is getting bonded?

I've also heard that two weeks is the minimum waiting time. Iwaited a month to be sure because Mocha had a bit of a rough time afterher spay. It also gave her more time for her hormones to cooldown. Plus I've heard that getting mounted is painful if it'stoo soon after the spay, even if it is by a neutered boy.

But if it's been a month then she should be okay. Let us know how it goes!
Spice is unbondable! I can't bring any otherrabbit within sight of him other than Mocha without him getting mad. Itwas so bad I could never let Zoey and Spice into the runs at the sametime because they shared about a 3' streth of fence and Spice torethrough the mesh I had up to protect ears and feet.

I knew Spice was like that before I got a third rabbit and I was rightabout Mocha, he is pretty laid back and could care less about Zoey,they seem to get along great through the wire (they've been housed sideby side since December). So it seems my only hope is Zoey and Mocha. Iput them together months ago but since Zoey wasn't spayed, I didn'twant to risk her hormones causing problems out of the blue one day.


Poor Zoey had no idea what to do back then, Mocha put his head down for grooming and she ran to me instead.

Zoey hasn't had any problems with her spay but I wanted to wait untiltheywere settled in after the move.
Oh, I haven't seen Zoey since she was a littlebaby! What a darling! Mocha is lovely asalways. And he looks perfectly willing to be dominated- agood quality in a boy.;)
That's an old picture, she looks the same, justa pound bigger, LOL. She never hit the teen years and she's over 10months old *knock on wood*.

If I were to characterize Mocha in human form, he'd be the wise old man --calm and wise.

Here are some pictures taken just before we moved from that house so they are only about 3 weeks old.



And theseare taken at my sisters (I've temporarily moved in here for the bunnies sakes).



Hi MBB, nice to see ya!

So, Mocha boy and Zoey are going to be bonded? (We knew Spice loved hismom too much to even consider another bunny :D). All three are lookingreally good. I hope the bonding goes well - keep us informed!

Spice is definitely a human loving bunny! The only rabbit he will tolerate any where near him is Mocha.

As for Mocha and Zoey, I didn't do it today. I'm still trying to getinto a schedule here which means the bunnies have not gotten out asmuch as they should have (bad, bad mom). I decided to give them theweekend to have lots of time to be out and to play, I hope that therewill be no fights caused by pent up energy then. I mean, I'm moreaggrivated when I don't get some excercise, so you'd think it's thesame for rabbits.

But I did prepare for the bonding session, I have a pair of leathergloves that go half way up my arm so I can get between them withoutfear of being scratched and bitten. Last time I separated a fightbetween Mocha and Spice, I had a bloody hand.

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