Bonding Advice

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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2005
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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
So, as I may have leaked in a few other places, I'm trying to get Wildfire a boyfriend.

I really like one of the babies I'm fostering right now. Very similar personality to SAS's Dill, except instead of nipping, he licks. So I'd really like to keep him, besides we've already named him Zeke...

I've done two sessions so far. The first one started off really well. Zeke jumped on Wildfire and humped away, and Wildfire really didn't care. We even got a kiss out of Wildfire after the humping had died down.

The problem is, I had brought Wildfire's litter box into the hallway,which was a big mistake because then she got aggressive once Zeke went in it. So I took it away, but now Zeke is terrified of Wildfire.

So how do I get Zeke to not be afraid? All Wildfire does is come up to him and nudge him for some kisses and he gets so scared,stomps and whimpers.

I had a second session tonight, and was setting them next to each other and petting them both at the same time. Is that a good thing to do? Zeke won't go near Wildfire unless I set him next to her.

Oh, and I still want to adopt someone else from my rescue, so eventually I want a bonded trio. Is it best to bond two then add a third, or to bond them all at one time?

So anyone have any advice?? I've never bonded before,although I have read everything in the 101 section. I really want this to work, otherwise I don't have the room to keep Zeke...

Hi Dawn, I read on here that some people put peanut butter (just a little) on the heads of the bunnies and the other will lick it off.

When our Jackie & Wilbur became unbonded a couple of years ago the only place we could put them was on our bed. It took awhile but it was so worth it a s they are back to being "In Love".

Petting them at the same time is a great way to help them bond. That's the only thing that really worked for Mocha and Loki. I used "forced snuggling" for Fey and Sprite because Sprite hates to be petted and because they were aggressive with each other. But it's still the same concept. You're helping them relax and feel good in each other's presence.I'd continue doing that until poor Zeke gets over his fear.

Another good trick is to put out a basket of hay or a pile of veggies for them to share. It's another feel-good thing they can do together.

I have no idea about trios, but I think it would be easiest to add one bun at a time.

Best of luck! And take lots of pictures!!!
Okay, so I'll continue to work with Wildfire and Zeke, because I don't know when I'll be able to get another bun from the rescue co-ordinator.

I think I might have a few pictures from the first session, and I'll make sure to take some today and then post them for everyone to see.

I just wanted to make sure I wasn't creating a false relationship by petting. Wildfire is so lonely, and all she wants is kisses. Zeke gives lots of kisses to his mom, and me, so I thought once he starts to get comfortable with Wildfire he be all kissy to her too.

From how Mocha and Loki adore each other over a year after their bonding, petting them together doesn't force a relationship.:) Actually they still smush together now so they can get petted at the same time.:D
One thing I've tried is putting them both in a laundry basket at the same time, then carrying it around to scare them a bit, like the car ride trick, which makes them snuggle together.
Well, I think I may try the bathtub tonight.

If it wasn't snowing here (like crazy), I would try the car ride technique, so I may try your idea Missyscove! I don't have a laundry basket that small, but I've got lots of cardboard boxes.

I'll take some pictures in the tub tonight and post them after!

Well, tonight's bonding session went pretty well.

Found out that if you rub Zeke's side, he'll give kisses. So we got him to give Wildfire some kisses.

Zeke still seems very scared of Wildfire though. He won't move, he just stays in one spot. It seems that if he does move Wildfire gets a bit agitated.

Once Wildfire was sniffing Zeke's bum, then it looked like she was nipping him. He ran away, and she chased him, so I stopped them. I don't know what she's doing, or if I should be stopping them.

So, here are some pictures of the soon to be couple:

And a video of kisses:


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