Well-Known Member
Just keep on going as you are... sometimes ittakes a really long time to bond depending on the rabbit. Trya supervised introduction every day for a few minites and eventuallythey come around, just not as soonas we would like
. I've got 8 rabbits and because of being told the wrongsexby the petstores that I bought them from, 5 of them aremale which can bea real problem. It got pretty badwhen they hit puberty so I separated them for a couple of months, butnow I am reintroducing them every day for about 30 minites.It started out pretty rough but now weeks later I'm not having anyproblems and everybody is behaving pretty well. Actually Ithink that it is pretty normal for you to have the problems that youare having anytime you introduce a new rabbit,keep on it isdefinately worth it in the end.