Boathouse Bunnies

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I hope it works out that you can go to France, dreamgal. What a great experience!

There will be other times for bunny get-togethers, not to worry. :)

Carolyn wrote:
Chin Up, Elf_Mommy,

In our travels, we might call you one day and ask to take you to lunch.


Don't say I didn't warn you!


That goes ditto for us, too, ElfMommy. We are kind of in linefor inheriting a part of a house in Sarasota,FL, as yet sightunseen. We were planning to take a look at it sometime in thewinter.Is Jacksonville much off the beaten track toSarasota? Even at that, we've been known to travel miles justto experience a good restaurant in a new area to us.


sevenhappybunnies wrote:
hi carolyn,count me in this year I'll be there and I'llbring dustin(his picture is posted) Cant wait to meet everyone.

Excellent, sevenhappybunnies!!! Will love to meet you!!

What a sweetheart you are, Raspberry.

It does help to think about happier times together and it'd be wonderful if we could get people together.

I feel closer to this group than I do some members of my own family.


Oh, I so hope I can come! Between a trip to NewYork, my parents 25 wedding anniversary (and possible family trip), anda trip to India, it'll be hard squeezing it in :shock:, but I'mdefinately going to try. My parents think I'm crazy....:D
Wow, India! Now there is a country I've always wanted to visit. :D

I know I said I would be going to this get together, but now I'm not sosure I can make it. Between not having a Visa (making me unable toleave Canada until I do), and a lack of money for trips, I am prettysure we won't be able to go. :(

But, who knows between then and now, right? I also know that crossingthe border with bunnies is ok, so I'm not worried about that. Let'sjust keep our fingers crossed.
I'd love to be able to make it. It's a definatepossibility. I'm just trying to figure out how big of a bus I'm gonnaneed to get us and the buns there. I'm picturing a big white bus...withbig floppy ears and a big fluffy tail. Maybe 2 of 'em!!

JimD wrote:
...I'mjust trying to figure out how big of a bus I'm gonna need to get us andthe buns there. I'm picturing a big white bus...with big floppy earsand a big fluffy tail. Maybe 2 of 'em!!

Hey, Jim, welcome to the Forum. I'm a "white van man,"primarily to carry loads such as our bunnies when on protractedvacations, so one doesn't necessarily need a bus. Once tookall of our four, at that time, buns on a six week vacation toChattanooga, TN. We all enjoyed it.

Lord willing, we'll be at the Boathouse Party with all six of our buns!Built a two tiered "condo" cage from two large dog crates that'll fitin our van and will hold four rabbits comfortably. Other twowill go in two ea normally sized cages.

It is a silly thing in life, going to a Bunny Boathouse Party, but asTom Cruise once said in Risky Business, "Once in a while you'vegot to say, 'What the f...!"' Sometimes those little sillylifetime experiences prove to be vignettes you will remember for therest of your life. I treasure the experiences andpeoplewe met at the first Bunny Beach Party last year andothers I have met through Rabbits Only online and look forward tomeeting so many others who have become dear to me here on this boardover time.

Not too far from Fairlawn, trust me! We can make it from theJersey Shore in 3-3 1/2 hours and I poke along. You could doit in two, I'm sure!

Buck Jones wrote:
It is a silly thing in life, going to a Bunny BoathouseParty, but as Tom Cruise once said in Risky Business, "Once in awhile you've got to say, 'What the f...!"' Sometimes thoselittle silly lifetime experiences prove to be vignettes you willremember for the rest of your life. I treasure theexperiences and peoplewe met at the first Bunny Beach Partylast year and others I have met through Rabbits Only online and lookforward to meeting so many others who have become dear to me here onthis board over time.

Not too far from Fairlawn, trust me! We can make in from theJersey Shore in 3-3 1/2 hours and I poke along. You could doit in two, I'm sure!

BUCK! honestly I'm shocked at you, such a quote LOL

hopefully our house plansa work out this winter and maybe Ican consider being there. Don't think i'll have any idea about thattill prob April. But there are people for sure I'd love to see. But Ithink I would consider bringing my scrap book, because can't pick justone bun, and not sure if would be fair to drive a lil Brice that far,he really has not traveled since his tilt..... must go to work I shallbe late but had to read this post
Sounds like fun! I would love to come but I'll have to see how things play out right now.

I take my son to Alabama every summer for Space Camp and my daughterand I just hang out there for 9 days. Hubby works long hoursduring the nice weather so we don't have a lot going on.

I wonder how Bo would do on a long trip like that?
Gabby wrote:
Buck Jones wrote:
It is asilly thing in life, going to a Bunny Boathouse Party, but as TomCruise once said in Risky Business, "Once in a while you've gotto say, 'What the f...!"'
BUCK! honestly I'm shocked at you, such a quote LOL
ME TOO! :shock: Who'd a thunk Buck couldhave quoted Tom Cruise!!!!!Charlton Heston maybe,but Tom Cruise???

(un)fortunately, I got accepted to france *squealof excitement* so ivory and i wont be able to come. but i'll bethinking of you as i tour Saint-Malo!
Yeah, well that flic came along at an importanttimein our family life and the quote fits some reallife experiences we've had. Wouldn't trade thosememoriesfor all the tea in China!

Ya gotta do least a couple of times in your lifetime, or else you'll never know what could've been.

Bo B Bunny wrote:
Sounds like fun! I would love to come but...I wonder how Bowould do on a long trip like that?
Now, you'll never know, unless........?

Our buns have travelled 1,000 miles several times, stayed in a lakesideefficiency for six weeks and my son's basement in Nashville fortwo. Everybun seemed to do just fine.

Buck Jones wrote:
Yeah, well that flic came along at an importanttimein our family llife and the quote fits somereal life experiences we've had. Wouldn't trade thosememoriesfor all the tea in China!

Ya gotta do least a couple of times in your lifetime, or else you'll never know what could've been.

what could have been, should have been, ought to be and was...........
Wow this sounds like fun! If I don't have a class that day, I'll be there!

And maybe I'll be there even if I do have a class hehehehe....

Christine, if you can't find a ride you're welcome to come with me if you can get down to Boston. :)

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