Bo isn't doing too great - VET CHECKED

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Thanks! Lexi and I are both such worriers when it comes to the bunnies and horses and dogs and..... ya know ...... LOL!

I have some video of Tony from a bit ago and some of Bo also. If I can get it uploaded I'll post it. Tony is so silly! Bo was more concerned with his pellets.
Glad to hear that Bo is fine. I know what you mean about them getting worked up on the ride to the vet. I once had to take Gingivere on an hour + ride to see an ophthamologist...she spent the entire ride there and back grinding her teeth and shaking. I thought she'd have a heart attack.

Hope the rest of your day goes well!

-Mary Ellen
Poor little ****er Pie! I just saw this thread now for some reason. I'm so glad he's okay! I hope his feet get better and the lump goes away. What did she say about the molt?
Just waiting to find out if it is ringworm. He doesn't have mites. Could be temps getting to him or stress from getting Tony? we'll have to wait and see.

He's happy now - snuggled to his puppy :)

I'll have a video in a bit.
Thanks! his poor little bald head!

I'm thinking now, maybe it was some laundry soap I used? maybe he has a reaction to it? Has anyone had a bunny that's had allergies to laundry soap or anything?

He's allergic to alfalfa dust we know.
Bo B Bunny wrote:
I forgot the video camera! But i did get a phone pic of him in the car...... he was NOT happy. then he started to scare me. It's about 25 min. from my house and he was panting! he was so scared.

We got to the vet's office and it was the associate vet - who was fine. She checked him all over and here's the rundown:

1. No mites found in skin scraping. He kept hopping to me from the table. They took 2 people and her to go get the scraping in the surgical area. He tried to escape the burrito as they took him away...... "MOMMMMMMYYY!!!!!!!!"

2. Testing for ringworm but that takes time to grow so we might not know for 2 wks

3. The little lump is probably a little fat deposit - we need to keep watch on it but it seemed fine!

4. His hocks aren't bad but she wants him on COMPLETELY soft surfaces - no wood floor - get rugs or blankets out for him. His litterbox can have woodypet but she wants it piled high with carefresh over that. Blankets on all of his cage floors..... She wants to get those hocks back to normal and prevent bad stuff...... I agree.

5. Bo is 4.79 pounds. She didn't say he was overweight and but he is a bit I guess. His backbone is easily felt as are his ribs, but he's still got some extra weight on his belly.

6. I met an 11 year old mini-lop there.

7. I met a cute little dutch rabbit who needs a home - not mine tho lol.

8. Bo flopped in his crate on the way home LOL!

9. He's taking a nice bath since those NASTY people touched him and he peed in the crate on the way home too... of course that got on him.

10. Now to take Lexi to the doc for her sinus infection (at least that is what I think it is..........) and then at 5 the farrier will be at the barn.

Hubby thinks I need to work full time now......... :shock:

Bo thinks we need to go home now! "maybe if I groom puppy really well..."

Sounds to me YOU are working full time! Glad he is better.
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Hubby thinks I need to work full time now......... :shock:
Yeah, and who'll get the blame whenhis kids come home pierced or with gang tatoos. ;)

And it certainly does sound full time to me!

(Of course the real argument is thatRO bunnies need you, but that might not fly). :ponder:

sas :biggrin2:
LOL yeah.

Just what I need is more work!!! I can't keep up now. Hubby thinks it's the bunnies taking up my time..... LOL!

I just let them play while I am working around the house.

Anyhow, Mr. Bo is feeling fine. He's been happily ripping his grass mat to shreads for me. At least he throws the pieces on the bottom of the cage so it's not everywhere else!

He thinks he's starving tho. I cut his pellets back just a hair. He was getting 1/4 cup per day and I am just backing off the amount by maybe 30 pieces I would guess.. just not filling the cup full to the top. I figure this is the best way to slowly back him down a little - slowly. He's really going at his hay too which is a good thing.
Wow...I missed this WHOLE THING! :shock:

Boy, have I been distracted lately!!

I'm happy he's okay...and will await the test results on the ringworm...but hopefully that's okay, too.

I'm happy that the lump wasn't anything big...*sigh of relief*

Hugs to you!


P.S. Yeah, people think I sit around on my butt all day...when they don't realize...I have five buns, two kitties, and my daughter to take care of, a house to clean, homeschooling to do, a home business that's BOOMING to do the admin work for...the list just goes on and on!! :) I like being busy, though...
So relieved to hear he's OK. Good luck with the feet. And let us know when the results of the skin scraping come back. And try not to starve him... :foreheadsmack:
Thanks :)

He just ate - and thinks he's starving again....... lol.

He's going to make his feet worse thumping to let me know he's mad! LOL!

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