Bloat?! BABY NEEDS HELP!!! - RIP Max

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Unfortunately, it is very serious. My baby has a bad gut problem, which was pressing on its lungs making the breathing hard. The vet gave me 2choices, euthanise, or give it a chance. So, we took the chance. It's had 2 injections, a painkiller and something to help its guts. We just have to keep it warm, with a glucose solution every hour. If it perks up in 5 hours, and poos, we might be in with a chance. I hope to god it doesnt die!

I'm going to have an uneasy night.
I'm just now seeing this - sending good thoughts and good wishes your way. I'm so sorry...but I'm glad you're giving it a chance.

Oh man, I just got in from work and saw this... I am so sorry tohear the baby is in distress! I'll keep my fingers crossed that things "start moving" again.... Poor BABY!

:pray::pray::pray::pray: :pray::pray::pray::pray: :pray::pray::pray::pray: ...lots of prayers coming your way!
I'm so sorry it's not good news. I really hope she keeps fighting. She's shown to be a fighter this far, I hope she continues.
:). Thanks for the prayers! Baby has perked up somewhat, probably because of the glucose it's on every hour. we arent getting much in the guts department just yet. 3 poos. better than none i suppose. but its lil baby poo. It's on a hot water bottle, and its twitching and opening its mouth washing/chewing its feet at the mo.

Looking good. a lot better than it was 3 hours ago! It's still wait and see at the mo, cause you never know what might happen.

Should i give it some water? to stop it getting dehydrated? It's had glucose solution, but i dont want to give it too much of that, jut incase its blood sugar levels get too high.
I'm sooooooooo glad he is looking better and his gut is moving (apparently between my last post and this one I've changed it from a she to a he, sorry about that).

Hopefully he will keep improving.

I don't know about the water, nor the glucose, but Isuspect he still needs the glucose to maintain how he is doing. But don't take my word for that.
The baby hasnt pooed since. im getting really worried. I cant see there is much more i can do but wait till morning, and see what happens. It has a monster appitite, so its not that bad. It's belly is still really uncomfortable, and it squeaks if you pick it up by the belly. I've just got to hope the problem rights itself overnight. I couldnt bear it if the baby dies while im asleep.

*prays for my little one*
Wel, it's still alive this morning. It still has the uncomfortably big belly, and its breathing is still pretty laboured. But its awake, active and pawing at me. That's got to be a good sign hasnt it?
Well, still here :). I think it may still have some tummy upsets, it hasnt pooed on me, but it may have pooed in its nest, i couldnt tell you. But, it did a big wee on me, which means its not all bad i assume. It's stopped teeth grinding, and does squeak if you hold its belly a little too hard.

Hope it will be okay :)

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