Blackberry cannot walk, she is not eating (RESOLVED)

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Still haven't heard the other results. BB is still the same. She's not as playful, but does come in and binky sometimes. She comes into the kitchen wanting greens when she hears me in the kitchen.

Appetite good and all that. I'll keep you posted once I hear.
country bunkin wrote:
My husband and I realize that BB could go on to live a long life with us, or we could wake up to find her gone at some point. We have come to terms that the road may be rocky with her since she lost her mate.

We just want to enjoy every day we have her.

I also have a male guinea pig who is nearing 6 years old and time looks to be short for him. This could prove to be a rough year for us.

Just got to enjoy them while we got 'em.
country bunkin,

You're more "advanced" than I when it comes to realizing this fact of life. It's great that you can realizeyour gratitude for each day spent with Blackberry (and your other furry family members).

I hope that your sweet bun feels better (that the cause of her symptoms is identified and quickly treated). :hug:
I didn't have time to call the vet yesterday, but was just called by her today.

She said Blackberry did test positive for the E. C and something about .9. She wants me to take her back in and so she can check her over and see if she should up the dosage of meds.

Jenk, it's an attitude that has taken a long time to come to. I think I will be losing my little piggie soon and I know I'll be devastated; I'm just so grateful for the time I've had with him.

If I let myself, I could easily shed tears for all the babies that I've lost.
Hiya, So sorry to hear about your bunny Blackberrry being unwell. I'm new to the group, so hope you don't mind me joining in...

Someone else has mentioned vestibular disease, and I completely agree... this sounds like 'headtilt' re the falling over / balance issues. But it sounds like she's recovering if she's binkying - fab news!

EC is one of the most common causes of headtilt. What meds is Blackberry on? Panacur is the best one for EC, and you'd need to administer it for 28 days - no less!

Is she on any antibiotics in case there's an element of inner ear infection, which has also been mentioned? This is the other most common cause of headtilt, and it's often best to treat for it just in case, as it's difficult to detect.

I think you mentioned at the beginning that her eyes were moving strangely. If they (or just one eye) were moving vertically continuously then this indicates EC. Continuous horizontal movement indicates inner ear infection. See page 3 of the following article:

Hope this helps in some way and that BlackBerry continues to improve! x
I believe .9 is in theweakrange. It means she might have had some exposure in the past. Have her retested in the next two weeks. When was the test done? Was she on the Pancur before you had her tested the first time? Get a copy of the test results.
She stayed overnight on the 16th. When I took her home I started her on the Panacur then. The vet wants to see her again to check her weight and whatnot but didn't mention retesting her. The test was taken on the 17th and I only just now got the results back.
Hi everyone, just wanted to let you all know that Blackberry is doing great! We've had no problems at all, except with her bratty toddler behavior. :p

Thanks to everyone here who helped and was concerned.

Btw, that's her in the avatar. She's gone mostly free range now.

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