Black stick thingy on skin :s

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Active Member
Oct 15, 2006
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Birmingham, , United Kingdom
I was scratching Lucky's ear, when I noticed a hard stem-like object jabbing out of his skin. At a closer look, it was a long black stick-thingy. I cut a part of it off, and he didnt seem to mind, so its not a part of him growing out. Sometimes he has random patches of hair that can easily come off, and those have this little black things, almost like glue holding a bit of fur together, but only at the root (not the stem). It was found at the side of his head, between his ear and eye. I can only see this "black substance" on the fur from his head, and not from the rest of his body (he is mostly white with black spots, like an english rabbit) Is this normal? It doesnt seem to be ticks - it simply looks like a stem - and I can only find the whole stem near his ear. Everwhere else, it's just a bit at the root... What could this be..? has anyone experienced this before?


-- Nicole
Could he be getting cecals on himself when he's eating them?
You know, I have seen something similar on Gabe's ear, it has been there ever since I have had him. With your guy's ear, is this something that is under the skin, or sticking out? What does the skin look like, normal or irritated/infected? Gabe's has always been totally normal, and he doesn't mind in the slightest me feeling of or even squeezing it. It almost feels like a bit of foriegn material got stuck/shoved through his ear and the skin grew over it. Except I would think that would cause irritation, and this hasn't.
Is he an outdoor bunny? Does he have run of a yard or garden? Not sure what plants or insects can cause that, but worth a closer look if this is the case.

sas :bunnydance:
Yes actually it JUST above the skin, at the root of the fur. Yet the skin doesnt seem irritated in any way. I actually noticed this before, but thought nothing of it, since he doesnt seem to mind it, as Gentle Giants had said with your bun.

He's mostly an indoor bunny, and in the summer I let him run outside completly free. The fact that I've seen it there before makes me think it probably isnt an insect bite. At first, I was worried it would be ticks or something, but it doesnt look anything like it. If it had happened to your bun as well, maybe its normal?
My buns get those, only they are light brown. Allmy buns have them, and some arrived with them too.

I don't know what it is, but its never caused mine any problems and they have had them for years.

I have been wondering if it comes from some sort of trauma to the skin, or maybe where they scratch it, or if it occurs only on that type of fur because it is slightly different, or shorter or something.

This is a pretty useless post, but I know what you are talking about.
I don't know, it may not be the same thing as what Gabe has. His protrudes on both sides of his ear, and the skin is grown over it. Is yours actually outside the skin?
Yes, Lucky's are outside of the skin. It litterally looks like there is a black thorn there in with his fur, but not piercing the skin in any way.

Flashy, if your buns get it too, maybe it's soemthing normal. It definetly is relieving knowing another bun has it without haing any issues with it. Thanks so much for your help!
All mine will be getting full check-ups after Christmas for their vaccine, I can show my vet if you want and see what he says, I will also try and post a pic when I next find one. (I should have thought of that earlier, all 14 of mine went to the vets today, I could have asked then, sorry).

They seem to get them all at once and then not have them for a while, and I was wondering if it could be moult related.

Just to check we are talking about the same thing, mine is light brown (I know yours is black) and almost seems to wrap around a small bit of fur, then I find the fur falls out with this bit at the end, and then all is well. If you rub the cheeks and temples you can feel them (actually my vet did this today and didn't say it was anything out of the ordinary). If you part the skin you can see them. There are not too many, and they happen every so often. They are only about mm or so thick.

Does that sound about the same apart from the colour?
Yes, that sounds very similar to Lucky's situation. And they are at about the same spot as well, only noticable when you move the fur around it. I noticed them about a year ago, and not until recently did I see them again. (maybe I just didn't notice them..i forgot about them...) If possible, it would be awsome if you were able to ask your vet, just to be sure :)

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