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I went, but didnt buy much. The only thing I bought at "black friday" pricing was an 18 piece set of reusable plastic storage containers... and they're for ME.

Wal Mart was a nightmare.
The things we do for our mothers! I don't normally shop on Black Friday and had no intention of doing so today. That was until I saw a Macy's ad on TV this morning for a $400 2 ct. diamond bracelet on sale for $99, and only until 11:00. I knew I had to have it for mom's present so off to the mall I went. Traffic and parking were a nightmare. Inside the mall wasn't too awful.

I also picked up a cute pair of red sandals for myself. I didn't need red sandals, but they were only $7.50. How could I resist.
slavetoabunny wrote:

That is NUTS :shock:.

I got 13 or so yards of flannel and 9 yards of fleece at Joann's for $34.
Spent $20 at Walmart for The Golden Compass movie, a couple "rat" towels, and a nice fleece lined hoodie.
Bought a rubber ball for the rats at World Market for $2.
$10 at Kirkland Home for a 4 picture picture frame for shots of a Lion that I took at a wildlife park (Step mom's christmas gift).
$20 at Target for a Shark vacuum with a detachable hand held vacuum, P.S. I Love You movie, couple rattie dishes, aaand..forgot what else.

All in all, I did well and didn't spend too awfully much!
"What is Black Friday."

Black Friday is the US version of our Boxing day sales. Except theirs is the day after Thanksgiving, where as ours is the day after Xmas.

I noticed that a lot of stores here is canada are having "red day" sales today. I guess to bank on the "black friday" thing. Not that I mind, we need a new washer/dryer and because of this "red day" sale we are getting it way cheaper :biggrin2:

My dad loves getting up early on Boxing day to get all the deals. He goes and stands in line before it opens to get the deals. Last year he bought me a computer for half price(800$ instead of 1600$). Thankfully we dont' really have any trampling here in canada,atleast not in Edmonton. The stores give out tickets to the people in line for what they want and only let a certain amount of people in at a time. So there is no rushing, pushing or fighting.
degrassi wrote:
I noticed that a lot of stores here is canada are having "red day" sales today.
"The Brick" has what they call a red day sale today. :D

My son bought some Gearwrench sets from Canadian Tire saving $220.00 and a Tap and die set saving $100.00.

Zellers is having a special saleafter 7 pmtonight.

My wife spends the whole day (Boxing Day) at West Edmonton Mall. Then we go out for supper with her brother for his birthday (Dec.26). I have work that day to pay for her spending. :p
I got one word for you all...


Our Team Captain, Jessica, sent us all out a text this morning.. *ladies.. your rollergirls.. so when you start getting trampled.. remember.. the bigger that ass.. the harder to pass.. and Derby Deeds Done Dirt Cheap*

I just don't have a big ass anymore.

I only had to Rollergirl it once... at Wal-Mart...

Shove a laptop up my duff will you.. I think NOT!!!

I got pretty much all I went for..actually I didn't go cause I wanted to go, I went cause my other friends dragged me there, and since I was already there.. I got movies..
We went out (my hubby says I owe him now) and purchased a cordless drill for my dad (the last one we got for him when my daughter was a baby and it has now died). We bought a Transformer set of toys for one of my nephews and a Playmobile Police Officerset of toys for my other nephew. My sister wants a gift certificate from us to watch the boys one weekend, so that's easy. I'll buy my mom a DVD set, although I'm not quite sure what, yet.

The kids are relatively easy (although expensive) this year. I'm not going to say what we will be getting for them, because they are members of this message board ;) hehe
We only 'did' Joann Fabric and Borders. DH went wth me and was amused to be the only manin Joann's. Got all the DMC I need to do War Paint on Crossed Wings hand dyed fabric.

Here is one version of War Paint on lighter blue hand dyed fabby.


Here is the Crossed Wing fabby I will use next. It's called Starry Night. Beautiful 'in person'.


I ventured out today, it was hard getting up, i mean it is not like i sleep through the night lately,lol. Went to Walmart and got most of what i went out for, except two things. Spent alot,lol
I also heard that some Wal-mart worker in New York got trampled when all of the people waiting broke down the doors! :shock:And they took him to the hospital and he died.. And then a pregnant women got trampled also, but she was alright.

I still can't believe that people would brake down the doors to a store, and trample over people, just to buy items that cost less. That's crazy!

People just make me so mad when they do those kinds of things! :soapbox

Yeah, it kinda makes me ill that people would trample another human to death, just to buy stuff on sale. No, it *really* makes me ill.

I stopped by Target on my way home from work, but they were out of the rechargeable batteries that were on sale, so I didn't buy anything this year. *shrug*
BethM: I know, I still don't understand why wouldjust walk/run over someone lying on the ground and not even stop! :grumpy:Grrr, that just doens't make any sense at all to me.

And we just got some gifts for our family and all. My mom let me and sister pick out one thing we wanted, and then she was going to wrap it and we would get it on Christmas. Hehe, she does that every year.

FallingStar wrote:
I also heard that some Wal-mart worker in New York got trampled when all of the people waiting broke down the doors! :shock:And they took him to the hospital and he died.. And then a pregnant women got trampled also, but she was alright.

I still can't believe that people would brake down the doors to a store, and trample over people, just to buy items that cost less. That's crazy!

People just make me so mad when they do those kinds of things! :soapbox


I heard about that too! That's so awful. I'm glad teh pregnant woman was alright. So awful about the employee who was killed. :( That's awful.

People are just so selfish about getting what they want they dont care about hurting others....Poor guy :(

I went shopping a farm store! lol. I just got a magazine though....the Rabbits USA one! :)

when I went to walmart I could not beleive how many people had their babies and todlers out that early in the morning... their were alot of new borns outside... I would never take my children to stores on black friday epecially babies and todlers.

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