BK very ill (RIP)

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Poor little guy!!!!

AMke sure to give us an update after the vet visit!!!

Hang in there, you can do it!!!

-TK :pray::nurse: :goodluck
Perhaps it could be related to his diet? Rabbits have much difficulty digesting grains and complex carbohydrates and I see you're feeding BK pumpkin, which is a starchy carb. Perhaps BK has a very sensitive tummy, even for a rabbit, and he is experiencing stomach upsets? Rabbits have extremely fragile digestive systems and if their tummy disagrees with a certian food, it can lead to GI Stasis and can even prove fatal. Rabbits do not have the ability to break down the carbohydrates properly and this can lead to very serious health issues and even death. As a general rule, rabbits should not be fed potato, pumpkin, corn, etc as these are complex starchy carbohydrates.Same goes for nuts, seeds, grain, and legumes.The basic rule is, anything you are considering feeding him, no matter how sure you are that it's ok to feed to him - research it. If in any doubt, don't feed it to him. It's not worth it. One person might say, "oh it's ok, i feed that to my rabbit" but it's far better to be sure and do your own research to have that peace of mind.

Also, when feeding rabbits grasses/dandelions/weeds etc from the garden, it's better to cut a chunk of lawn out and feed it to them this way. When picked, many weeds and grasses release toxins which can be poisonous to rabbits if they are given picked grasses/weeds on a regular basis. Picking grasses from the neighbourhood and sometimes even your own property can be risky because it's impossible to tell if it's been sprayed with weed killer. The people who lived in your house before you may have sprayed the property with weed killer and there could be residue remaining. Even a trace amount in a rabbits system can be fatal, and can sometimes be very hard to detect even by the most rabbit savvy of vets.

During moulting season, rabbits can shed a very impressive amount of fur - you can get handfuls out without doing much more than patting your rabbit. Unless you can see bald patches of skin then it's more than likely just BK shedding his winter coat.

My advice would be to keep him inside, allow him his own space, a place where he can go and rest without being disturbed, stick to feeding him hay and water and pellets (you can add water to the pellets to make them into a mush) and leafy greens (skip the picked grasses/weeds for now, stick to cos or rocket lettuce) and also skip the complex carbs, at least while he is sick. See if that makes any difference. If he isn't drinking very well, insist that yout vet give him a fluid shot. Rabbits can survive without eating much for a few days, but going without water is very dangerous. It's worth a shot!
Oh no! I just saw this thread now, poor little BK. I hope he gets better. I feel very nervous for him :(

Get better soon, BK! :balloons:
Its NOT good

Firstly thank you to all the posts concerning advice for the health of BK, I appreciate all the support and well wishes and possible anecdotes to this horrible situation.

I may in time answer the posts but right now I am emotionally stunted.

BK is all but gone.

My vet returned from her trip and saw him this morning, she called in a retired colleage who is (and I believe it) the best rabbit savvy person in NZ.

They took him to a Jansens lab for an ultrasound for BK.

BK has several small to medium sized masses in his stomach and one in his bowel.
He has lost 25% of his body weight and is basically on the edge.

He is at the pet hospital tonight and possibly for the next 48 hours.

Lots of subQ fluids and an attempt to shift the bowel impaction.

The other masses in his stomach are cancerous and he also has bladder sludge build up from what is now confirmed as poisoning. He also has a kindey infection.

Besides the poisoning, BK has cancer and this appears to be a fairly newish development as the masses are small but growing. They will be removed in an operation after he recovers from the impaction and kidney infection.

Thats if he does survive.

He is so weak now that he is simply not moving at all.

They will phone me first thing in the morning to find out how his first night went.

I stayed at the vets for 3hours as they were not busy and I cuddled him and stroked him for ages.

I have been crying all day and now I know I will not even remember typing this. My baby is so ill.

They said he was anaemic and I would say "gone quiet", an expression I use to describe a bunny who refuses food/fluids or any outside stimulation.

I PMed Randy and even sent his notes to my vet via email.
They agreed not to use metacam and are using panacure for an all round wormer, baytril for the infection, cita...something for this bowel and a couple of others, can't find the sheet right now.

Lost... BK is so alone right now but the vet re-opens early.

Thinking of you BK, I love you little blue bun, come home soon....

Come on BK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thinking of you both, and hoping thast the best care on the country can help him.
Awww poor thing. It sounds like he's really fought hard to stay alive to this point.

I hope that some miracle has happened over night, and he can pull through this to be able to have the surgery he needs.

Be strong, Lisa. Don't ask too much from him. He's been through so much already and he's probably very tired now.

:hug: Give him a little nose rub from me.
Also, this all makes perfect sense now for the poisoning.

1. The anemia - could be some sort of rat or mouse poison. That is how they work - it makes their blood thin and unable to clot. Other types of poison will also do that. My mom's dog was anemic when dad sprayed the yard.

2. The cancer - Many studies have been done on how things such as lawn sprays are causing leukemia and other cancers in children. Lawn sprays are another poison of course. Small tumors could form quickly I would imagine and that could be where those came from.

3. His body trying to heal the parts that were affected, probably shut down other parts - could be the cause of the impaction.

Praying hard for the little guy! :pray:
I'm so sorry. What an awful time for you both. Poor BK, that's a lot of things he has to fight. Sounds like he's in very good hands!

I really hope he can pull through!
I'm so sorry Lisa. I am praying for you and your family to have the strenght to get through this. I'm heartbroken for poor BK . . .


Please make sure you check your PM. In a sport played here in the US, our version of your football, there is a play called a "Hail Mary" It's usually the last play of the game and basically the team puts all it's marbles in one basket, so to speak. It's an effort to win the game on the last play. I sent you an idea on a very controversial treatment protocol that I use here sometimes as my "Hail Mary"....and it has worked sometimes. Like so many things with rabbits, there is considerable risk and can carry some major side effects. Many doctors have never used this drugwith a rabbit. But maybe worth considering. Healing thoughts going to BK.


Poor BK!!:( I"ve been following your thread and I'm so sorry to hear the news wasn't so good. We know BK is an amazing fighter based on his experience with the cat attack. If anybun can make it, he can.We;ll be thinking of you two!!

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