biting rabbit

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Oct 13, 2010
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado, USA
My rabbit got scared and bit me tonight. He's never done anything like that before. He's a very gentle, social rabbit. I saw him under the bed and put my hand under to pet him. He snarled and lunged at me and then bit my hand but didnt break the skin. He seemed very scared at the time although he was fine moments before. He hid under the bed for awhile and when he finally did come out he peed all over my clothes. He has been following me around but keeping his distance since this happened. I dont know what came over him. He is now 3 mo's old. Could this be a sign that I need to get him fixed soon?
Thank you for any replies.

I'm sorry you were bit, that is never enjoyable broken skin or not. Your boy is right at the age of sexual maturity, in other words, his hormones are likely coming into play at this point and it is changing his behavior. The good news? It's a common issue and usually resolved with neutering.

Originally I would say you simply startled him by reaching under the bed, rabbits have poor sight of what is directly in front of them. The closer your hand got the more blurry and frightening it became. However, the peeing on your clothes sounds hormone based. He may be apprehensive of you after the bed incident, so I would go ahead and try to make friends by petting him gently and offering a healthy treat (thin slice of carrot piece is always appreciated by bunnies).

If this is related to his age and sexual maturity it is likely you will see more of this behavior. If it was a misunderstanding of you accidentally scaring him then it should work itself out with time and some extra trust building. He is at that age though, so you may want to start thinking about neutering. It can be done as soon as the testicles drop, but most vets like to wait until five months of age. Make sure the vet is rabbit savvy and experienced in neutering surgeries.

I would contact the Colorado HRS for a list of vets they recommend in your state, they can also give more tips on his behavior. :)

Bunnies usually only scratch or bite if they feel threatened.
I do not think that is a concern at 3 months.
Later, however, might be a problem.:disgust:



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