Bites till I bleed

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May 25, 2015
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It's only been a few days since I've brought my beautiful bunny home. We've had a few days to bond and she seems to like me. Still a bit scared when she sees sudden movements but besides that all is good. Not 100% potty trained but pees and poos only in her cage and the several litter boxes I've made for her. When I'm near her she comes and sniffs me climbs on me and licks me all over the face. Buttttt when she sees my hands or goes near my hands she just bites and bites so hard until I bleed. 😢😢 I've screeched whenever she does but I don't think she's getting the message. My hand is starting to get covered in bruises and it really hurt. Helpppp please!!!!
It could be a display in dominance, or perhaps some sort of other issue that makes her think your hands are okay to attack. I'd try wearing gardening gloves when handling her, and offering her treats to help her associate your hands with good things. If you have a really good rabbit vet near you and you have the money I'd recomend letting them take a look to try and rule out any pain causes. What breed is your rabbit? That can have some affect on temperment or why her bites might be so hard.
Using treats is a great idea and the gloves. Also provided it isn't a pain thing and if the above suggestion doesn't work you could try firmly pushing her head down each time she bites and saying "no!" Then let her head back up, I did this with my bun when he nipped and he stopped doing it after a bit! He would protest and wriggle out of it but he got the message and decided it wasn't worth nipping if he was going to have his head pushed down every time :p
She needs to learn that you are the alpha. I've had a couple of biters and I would pin them and talk in a harsh voice (remember rabbits "grunt") and one that was stubborn got rolled over on his back a couple of times. No more biting and he settles right down in my arms now when I pick him up and even comes most of the time when called.
Sorry for not checking earlier. If your rabbit is an English Spot then it could either be genetic (some lines are more high strung than others) or she could be bored. English Spots are running rabbits and you may need to find something to keep her attention so she doesn't go to you for playing or stress relief. One of our Rhinelanders will jump at us if they don't get enough stimulation from running in the cage, and we found introducing a hanging toy helped (wood and bell not painted/stained)