Bite on mouth

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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Alaska, USA
Aww, Rory just got Mylo :( I was cleaning Mylo's cage and had him in the pen in the kitchen, but he jumped out without me noticing and came into the living room to visit me. His cage is right above Rory's, and he stuck his nose in through the NIC panels to sniff him and got a chomp. I didn't realize he'd been injured right away, so he continued to run around the room until I was finished cleaning his cage. The bite is on his mouth, on the right side. I can't quite tell how bad the bite is because of the blood. There is a streak of blood from right below his nostrils that follows the curve of his lip about a centimeter long (does that make sense?). It isn't dripping blood or anything and the wound doesn't appear to be really severe. I had to hold him on his back to get a good look, which he wasn't terribly fond of. I'm home alone right now so it would be hard to hold him and get a good picture.

Mylo is now back in his cage and immediately started eating pellets and hay. He seemed cheerful enough running around the living room after he was bitten and enjoyed me petting him when I noticed the wound.

What should I do? What do I need to look out for? Tomorrow is my first day at my new job and I'll be working during vet hours for the next several days, though I'm sure I could work something out if he needs to see the vet.

I feel so bad that he was bitten! My poor baby :cry2 I wish I'd put the NIC barrier up around Rory's cage earlier, but I've been letting Mylo play in the kitchen for now and he was only near Rory because he "snuck" in. Hopefully when I check his owie tomorrow morning, he'll have licked away the excess blood and I can see it better.
Okay, I was able to get pictures after all... He's licked away the blood and what you can see really is the wound. My poor boy! There are a couple tiny blood smears in his food bowl. Such a sensitive spot to have bitten too, and what a nasty surprise for him when he was just being social... I know Rory was justified in biting since it's his territory, but I feel so bad for not preventing it.

This first one shows it the best, he was just drinking out of his water bowl which is why his mouth is a little wet:



Oh no! That' like a repeat of what happened to Pipkin the first day he was here. I was trying to get his "house" organized, he got too close to Ging's cage, her door was open, he stuck his head in, CHOMP! I didn't notice it either for about an hour or more...Pipkin was behaving so normally & I never realized Gingi had actually made contact. Looks very similar to Pip's injury, location and all.

I think Mylo may need stitches...Pipkin did. Definitely try to keep it clean for now. Not sure what you can use on it med-wise.

I hope someone who has that experience will come along to advise.

~Mary Ellen
Oh gosh, stitches? Poor Pipkin and Mylo! How fast did Pipkin heal up? The vet is open tomorrow, but I'll be working the entire time they're open. I could take him to the vet on Monday after 4 pm. I'm going to e-mail the photo to the vet and see what she thinks! I'm sure she's very glad she gave me her e-mail address :D
I know, Pennie! My darling Rory has been less than sweet the past few days, I feel sorry for him too because I want him to be his normal happy, bouncy self again. The bite Rory gave me is looking infected now, too.

I e-mailed the vet the picture of Mylo's owie. It actually extends more on the bottom of his lip, you can't really see it in the photo. The cut is so long, I wonder how Rory managed to do it! Do bunnies slash with their teeth or something?

Paul is less than happy with Rory right now, I think he likes Mylo the best of the three bunnies and between biting Mylo and biting me, Rory isn't on his best side...
Well, tell Paul to remember that he's only being the bunny protector he's supposed to be..... he just needs to learn that no one needs protection from Mylo!

Do you have listerine? if you do, clean the bite you have with it and put antibiotic ointment on it.

Is Mylo's mouth still bleeding at all?
I misread that at first and thought you were advising me to put Listerine and antibiotic ointment on Mylo's cut! I was thinking, I don't know if that's such a good idea... His cut isn't bleeding anymore, but there still is blood on it. It really didn't bleed a whole lot, considering how bad it looks. He's still eating, that bunny LOVES to eat! I think he actually is eating more hours of the day than Tallulah, and that's something!

Paul knows that Rory was just being a bunny, but he can't help being mad at him. At the moment he's petting Mylo and talking to him, trying to make him feel better!
Pipkin ate pellets and hay until we got to the vet (one reason that I never discovered the injury right away).

He had 2 or 3stitches, I think...didn't take long to heal.


Last fall I built all the buns new NIC condos. Unfortunately Capt Snow (being a rex) has that slender face that easily slips through the grids.

Pipkin decided that the welcome Gingi had given him was to be a tradition in this household. You can see in this pic that the Capt got it on both sides of the mouth...but the lacerations were pretty superficial...nothing like what Pip or Mylo have experienced. Pip had a bit of a hanging skin flap.


Crazy bunnies!
Awww I am so sorry to hear. Rory is being jealous and protective. Poor little guys. I hope Mylo won't need stitches but either way, it should heal up nicely. I feel bad. :?
Poor Mylo! I'm sure he'll be fine, just have to keep an eye out for infection, and the vet should know what to do about it when you send the email.

My Billy is a lot like your Rory. He tries to bite Ronnie in the face whenever there is only one barrier separating them. Doesn't matter if it's his territory, Ronnie's territory, or a place he's never even been before...he will try to bite Ronnie in the face regardless! :X

For some reason, Ronnie doesn't care, and he keeps poking his face through to say "Hi" to Billy. I'm like..."Ronnie, if you know he's going to try to bite you EVERY time, why do you insist on poking your face through to sniff him?" I don't get it.

Luckily, we haven't had any injuries as of yet, but I will be keeping an eye on this thread to know how to take care of a cut if the situation arises. Well, keep us updated, and I hope it all turns out ok! :)

When Sekura and Sugar where first rescued, they where very food aggressive. Everytime they got fed, it was like they hadn't been fed in weeks and there was never going to be a feeding ever again. They would pull food from each others mouth's and Sugar bit Sekura on the mouth while pulling food one day. They where living with SAS at the time, and she watched it carefully making sure it stayed clean.

She healed up nicely, and has a lumpy lip now, but it doesn't stop her from chowing down.

It was a good idea e-mailing your vet.

I would keep a very close eye on it, maybe clean it with some betadine. It should heal up and it may leave a lump or scar but that shouldn't interfer with eating.

Aww...Poor Mylo...and poor YOU!! :(

I just got home from work! Mylo seems perfectly happy and is bouncing around and eating like usual. His owie is all scabbed over. I called the vet during my break, and she said she doesn't think he'll need stitches. She said to keep an eye on it and to try to clean it with some hydrogen peroxide on a Q-tip. I wonder how much good it will do cleaning it with hydrogen peroxide now when it's scabbed over? And I know it would clean the wound, but it will also hurt him and he's doing a great job of trusting me, it makes me sad to think of him being hurt by the hydrogen peroxide.

So sorry to hear other bunnies have been bitten on the face, too! Captain Snow's picture is hearbreaking, it's like he has some terrible smiley face. Little Bay Poo, I get the feeling Mylo won't be sticking his nose in Rory's cage again any time soon (though in a few minutes I'm going to disassemble the pen in the kitchen and make a barrier around Rory's cage so he won't get the chance to stick his nose in again!). Tallulah on the other hand spends a fair chunk of her time sitting or lying by his cage and likes to shove her nose in. Rory has bitten her ear twice this way and made them bleed a little both times (nothing too dramatic though), and I think he somehow pulled a little wad of fur off her forehead once. Rory's definitely getting used to her presence and now ignores her most of the time, or even lies down sort of near her and they will sometimes wash themselves at the same time. Or, I should say, Rory USED to do these things before Mylo came home, now he's back to hating Tallulah again!

My poor baby Mylo. He's such a sweetheart, he doesn't deserve to have a big honkin' owie on his face!
Shockingly,( :rollseyes), I have nothing useful to add to this except to say that Mylo is still friggin adorable even with a huge honkin' SLASH across his little lips!!!!!!

Ohmigosh!! I missed this!! :shock:

Poor Mylo, it does look sore! I'm glad to hear that the vet doesn't think it will need stitches though...

I don't have too much experience with bunny first aid, but (and I think I've mentioned this before lol) when Chalk got cut by Snowy it looked really deep, and really sore, but after a few days of cleaning it, and putting antibiotic cream on, it looked so much better. It really was a big cut, but it healed up in about 10 days altogether! (Again, the vet didn't think stitches were necessary...)

I hope he's doing better today! :)

Jen xx

I just had an idea! Maybe you can try visiting a home improvement store near you and ask them for some "hardware cloth". If you get it so the openings are about 1cm, they won't be able to push noses into cages to get bit. :)

It's what we put around our buns' cages, for that, and to prevent curious kitty paws getting bit by cage aggressive buns. :)
yeah it really sucks when they fight..... (thats the most beautiful bunny btw)

Wolverine & Smoky got into it when i brought smoky home. it made me so sad. it was hard to let go of my vision of 2 little bunnies playing together.... with wolverine and smoky it wasent going to happen! lol
Just wanted to say that Mylo's owie is looking pretty good! It hasn't interfered with his eating, and it doesn't look infected or swollen or anything. I'll be keeping an eye on it though. I built a NIC barrier to go around Rory's cage when Mylo's out, I had to make it 2 panels high because Mylo was showing a little too much interest in Rory and I was afraid he'd jump over the barrier! Rory sure is angry at Mylo's presence when he's out playing, his tail goes up and he barrels around his cage trying to dig his way out and stuff :( Mylo doesn't seem particularly aggressive when he's trying to get to Rory. My silly boys.
Oh! I was about to ask you how he was doing...and here you posted about him already!

So happy that he's doing good!! :)

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