Hey guys!! Sorry for taking forever to update!
Last week we were at the hospital because baby was jaundiced. Her bilirubin level was at 22... And we had to wait until she was an 11 to bring her home. 4 days and 3 nights at the hospital, fun fun times. Then we had to bring a light machine home with us to use at home, to continue to bring it down. This Monday she had another appointment, and her level was back up to 16!! It was decided that she isn't digesting breastmilk properly... We are to discontinue those feedings and just give her formula, until she is older. The purpose behind that is that the toxins are moved out of the body faster the faster she digests... Since she wasn't digesting the breastmilk fast enough, it wasn't getting rid of the toxins effectively. So that's where we're at with that. Other than the jaundice, she's a healthy, happy girl. She is an angel during the day, a little hellion at night... Everyone loves her though!!
Here are some new pictures!!
Alexis in her nurse getup... She has clinicals at the same hospital.
Me and baby
At home again! Fat belly!
Our first head injury... Thank you Alexis. Got her head smacked into a car door.
What we call "Face Fives"
That should tide you over!