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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2006
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I know jumping up and twisting is a binky. But would running around and kicking up back legs be a .. ...pre-binky?
Does your bun do this after you'vejustset them down or done something they don't like? Moxie does what I call"foot flicks" which is a similar kicking motion - for her they are thenasty bunny equivalent of "buzz off".
cleverpony, Ollie does that too, but when hedoes it, he isn't angry. He's just stretching as he runs and shaking tomake his hair lie flat again. :)

Ollie runs around and runs around at full speed, jumps, turns, kicks,rolls, and even does something that's rather similar to a horse rear,but he does this because he's having fun. I count them all as binkies,since they are very similar, but it's just Ollie's way of showing thathe's having fun. One way I know he likes jumping, is because he's donebinkies over the jumps a couple of times :D

But your rabbit may be different, and be doing it for a differentreason. That's just my crazy bun :D Don't take my word on this, as myrabbit may be different to other buns.

Rach & Ollz.
cleverpony wrote:
Does your bun do this after you'vejust set themdown or done something they don't like? Moxie does what I call "footflicks" which is a similar kicking motion - for her they are the nastybunny equivalent of "buzz off".
Nope, I put him on the porch, and he ran around like crazy doing that. =PSometimes he did a small full hop.
when i put Dandy down after holding her shealways hops away flicking her back feet as to say 'you shouldnt havedone that, youve messed my fur up!'. this isnt so great when she haswet and muddy paws as water flys everywhere!!
hunnybunny63 wrote:
when i put Dandy down after holding her she always hops awayflicking her back feet as to say 'you shouldnt have done that, youvemessed my fur up!'. this isnt so great when she has wet and muddy pawsas water flys everywhere!!
Exactly what Ollie does. One time he jumped in a huge puddle, and then gave me a shower. :D
I get "flicked off" whenever I put Snuggy down.

She hates being held against her will. It's like she's trying to shake off all the "human cooties".

haha, yes, I get the 'flip off' all thetime. When I push Charlie out of the laundry basket,whenMisty gets thrown off our bed at night, when I try topick them up, when I put the baby gate across the stairs... it's prettyfrequent with my two.


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