Nope, I put him on the porch, and he ran around like crazy doing that. =PSometimes he did a small full hop.Does your bun do this after you'vejust set themdown or done something they don't like? Moxie does what I call "footflicks" which is a similar kicking motion - for her they are the nastybunny equivalent of "buzz off".
"foot flicks"
:laugh:when i put Dandy down after holding her she always hops awayflicking her back feet as to say 'you shouldnt have done that, youvemessed my fur up!'. this isnt so great when she has wet and muddy pawsas water flys everywhere!!
I get "flicked off" whenever I put Snuggy down.
She hates being held against her will. It's like she's trying to shake off all the "human cooties".