Good morning All!!
Binkie is doing okay. Collar's still on....stitches intact....incision looks good.
She's very skittish now whenever anybody gets near her cage. She runs around like a little maniac, and with the collar on she keeps getting caught and hung up on things (water bottle, hay rack, food bowls, litter pan, blanket, you name it). I try not to bother her too much so as to avoid stressing her out. I still checked on her every hour last night to make sure she didn't do a Houdini act with her collar.
Giving her the Baytril last night was stressful on both of us. Worse part is getting hold of her and wrapping her up in a blanket. By the time I got her all set, she was shaking, breathing hard and fast, and making all kinds of huffing and whimpering noises (come to think of it....SO WAS I !!). And this is why we prepare everything we need BEFORE picking up the bunny.
Batril must taste REALLY bad. I've been mixing it with banana baby food. The first time I mixed it 1:1 and she fought me the whole time and kept trying to spit it out. Last might I mixed a bit more baby food in (2:1) andshe seemed to take it easier. Maybe because it didn't taste as bad?? Yes? No?
Eating and drinking...poopin and peein...all good. It's funny the way she uses her hood/collar to scoop up her pellets and oats. She doesn't want anything to do with me hand feeding her, but her output is good so she must be eating and drinking enough.
This morning she was quite the messy bunny. I think I may have given her a little too much papaya and her poops and cecals were a little soft and mushy. She had managed to get cecals smeared on the outside of her collar so I had to clean it off. Can you say, "I grabbed the wrong end of the chainsaw"..?
I was concerned that she wouldn't be able to consume her cecals, so I had put a blanket down.....not such a good idea.....tossed the icky blankiethis morning. The vet said that she should be okay without the cecals, but we can give her Bene-bac if the antibiotics cause any problems with her GI tract. So now we only have a big enough blanket for her to lay on. Food and hay are at the end that has wire only....she poops a lot while she eats so it falls thru the wire and we don't have such a mess. She's using her litter pan, but I think she's having a hard time getting in and out of it. We can't wait until we get our collar off!!
And this is really weird!!! Last night I got all in a panic because she had managed to move the collar around enough so that her dewlap was on the OUTSIDE. The vet had attached the collar with her dewlap inside so she wouldn't be able to scratch at it.....and she had attached it as tight as possible so she wouldn't be able to pull it off. I ran in to call the vet and she said I could try to redo the collar, but I would probably need two people to do it. I told her that I would try. SO i go back into the bunnie room and Binkies dewlap is back INSIDE the collar ***jim scratches head***. I checked to see how much tighter I could make the collar and found that it was pretty tight as it could get before impairing her breathing/swallowing. This went on all night....the dewlap's in....the dewlap's out....etc. I really don't want to go back to the vet but if she starts to get at the incision I may have to go back to see what the vet can do with the collar. The incision looked a little irritated (probably from the collar rubbing on it), but the stitches were intact and it didn't look like she had scratched at it. We'll just keep a close eye on her.
The vet goes on vacation next week so I'm hoping Binkie will be well on her way to healing by then ***crosses fingers***.
Long post...sorry