Hi everyone, I'm in a serious dilemma when it comes to finding hay for my girl, where I live is experiencing extreme droughts (dam levels are the lowest they have ever been) and that means a hay shortage! I managed to scrounge 2 bales of meadow hay over the summer (dec) but it has now run out. Everywhere within 2 hours from me only has Lucerne/Alfalfa hay for $20 AUD a bale, not only expensive but not good for the bunn. You can buy compressed bales of Timothy but in ridiculously small bags for about $15 each. I'm at a loss and nearly out of food/bedding. Should I go with the Lucerne and only give in small amounts? (this leaves bedding as an issue) or just go with the pre-packaged?
Any help or ideas greatly appreciated! thanks in advance.
Any help or ideas greatly appreciated! thanks in advance.