:yes::tears2:what a sweetheart she is . so hard to imaginehow she can be so trusting and lovingafter all the poor girl has been thru . I am so glad you wentand got her a day early , Im just thrilled sheis so outgoing with you . Thisis so much more than we coudhave dared hope for .
As for a calcium deposit it cangrow anywhere , usually on a bone if there was aprevious break , Calcium will also growand build up in tissue , muscle ,and tendons , if they are tornor torn free of the bone , Which couldwell be the case, whereasyou feel its misshapen ,
The clinical thought behindcalcium build up is , the body mistakestorn tendons muscles and ligaments as a bone breakrushing extra calcium in tomend the break , uponnot finding any bone to adhear toit lays at the site of theinjury and continues to build up untillthe body tells it toshut down . There it hardensinto a solid mass , asit would if it was adheared to bone .This calcium build up was explained to melong ago when they removed Calciumfrom under my knee cap , that was creating aproblem with my leg bendingand giving out on me , Things andthoughts on it have changed much over the years. maybe they have found adiffernt cause for the build up .