Big Brother UK Anonymous...

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Lol I know the interview was really funny, Steph didn't really say much, just "Yeah". :p Yep I agree, those two up for eviction this week, Mario goes out, Lisa then walks, and Alex goes out the next week would be ideal. :D I worry a little the house will be a bit dull without Alex though.. after Charley went last year that's what happened. :?
Yeah, this is true... I'm torn between wanting Alex to go ASAP because she's such a bully and makes people so upset, but then wanting her to stay a bit longer because the arguments are quite entertaining.... But then I think that makes me a bad person lol!!

It'd be good if they did a Charley-style eviction with her though, where they made her see just how awful she'd been.... I like people to feel bad about things they've done lol! :)
Michaela wrote:
Alex has been kicked out!! :shock: Clicky!
NOOOOOO!!!! Hooray!!! About time!


Although, I'm a little sad that the house will lack arguments now... Looking forward to tonight's episode to see what happened and everything! I am officially addicted now, there's no going back..... :shock:
OMG! :shock::shock::shock::shock:

I'm watching the first program from tonight on Sky+, and I've just seen the big fight!!

BUT, did anyone see what Darnell was saying to Bex? That was sooooo cute!! I hope it's not all over before it starts after the fight thing though.... Bless!

I've not seen who's been evicted yet.... :shock:
Again, i promise you i don't watch it, but i heard this on the radio. One of the funniest things i've ever heard in my life.


Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
Oh, you should have seen it tonight then! They missed her cookies off the shopping list and she was asking 'Big Bwoder' why, and when she could get her 'Cookie Power' back!! SOO funny!

mouse_chalk wrote:
BUT, did anyone see what Darnell was saying to Bex? That was sooooo cute!! I hope it's not all over before it starts after the fight thing though....  Bless!

I know so sweet!, I don't think it would be over because of the fight though because Bex wasnt really part of it, she was just sitting there :p lol
Michaela wrote:
I'm not enjoying BB very much this year. :(
:shock: What? Oh no!! I'm loving it still! I have to say though that the arguments are always what makes it more interesting, and apart from the big fight they've died down a bit now....
I'm still watching it mostly. I'm hoping it will pick up again, I don't think they should have shown the spitting incident, not good for the show. :? I think the main reason I'm not enjoying it is because there are soo many housemates that I really, really don't like (Rex, Mo, Mikey, Mario, Lisa, Rachel, Stu, Darnell, Jen... :laughsmiley:). I like Luke and Bex, Kat is ok. And Dale is hot.:p Didn't like Alex, Sylvia or Dennis but they were entertaining. I did really like the task this week, I hope they continue with the good tasks. :)
I want Bex to win I think! She's herself, and she's funny and up for a laugh, as opposed to going to bed at 10pm every night... Dale's not really my type, but I like the gentlemanly way he stands up for Jen all the time... I did like Darnell until him and Bex had an argument tonight... I'm afraid it might be all over before it all began for them :(

Oh, and Mario and Lisa are REALLY starting to grate on me now. I worry that Mario's not doing anything bad enough to be nominated though... But the way he repeats everything 5 times! Earlier, he said something to Mikey about Rachel: 'She's a very tough cookie you know, wouldn't underestimate her... very tough cookie.... very tough cookie indeed....very tough cookie.... wouldn't underestimate her....' AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH! WE HEARD YOU THE FIRST TIME!!!!!

Rant over lol.... my best friend is repetitive like that, especially after a few drinks, and it's come to really annoy me over the years!

:laughsmiley: @ Mario! I never saw it tonight, we were watching the football final. :rollseyes

Nope I can't see them up for eviction for a while, not good. :? On Friday, what where the crowd chanting? "Get Jen out?" Surely Mo and Rex will be up this week. Yeah Bex is great, so funny, I'd like her to win. :D