Big Brother UK Anonymous...

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Bristol, , United Kingdom
Every year. I say that I can't bare to watch that rubbish. Every year I end up getting sucked in sooner or later. So this year I figured I might as well start watching from the beginning so I know what's going on...

Ok, so I did that last year too..... :embarrassed:

It's TERRIBLE. There are some awful people on there this year. But, I'm sad to say....

I'M ADDICTED!!!!!!! :shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:

But, get Alexandra OUT!

Anyone else wanna join BB Anonymous?! Please, don't leave me on my own!!! :p
Me!:D I was going to start a thread, but didn't want to be embarrassed when no-one posted, so I'm glad you did! :p

Last year was the first year I got properly into it, and I said never again, but when the ads started I changed my mind.. ;)

Alex is so so annoying, cannot stand her, worst is that she think she is the victim!?!:shock: But really I want that sleazy slimeball Mario out, makes me want to throw up. :yuckPoor poor Steph.. Loving Kat, tonight with the whole Cookie thing was priceless.

But yeah, Friday, get Mario (and Lisa - that laugh!) out!
Lol! I thought about starting it the other day, but also didn't want to be ridiculed for it! In the end I decided it best to come clean...;)

And I wasn't sure what 'cookie' incident' you were referring to until I watched the end on Sky+ just now... Priceless.....:D

I'm not sure who I like exactly yet, most of them either seem a bit dim, or really evil.

Alex is nothing but a bully I think, she's this year's Charley, and I hated her too! I was glad that she got told off last night, I thought she was going to get away with bullying someone because she cooked chips?!!?!!! I was hating Steph until she stuck up for Bex last night, but I definately want Mario out now!!

Steve's decided he's just going to work solidly all summer so he doesn't have to have any involvement in it! :p

Not me.:pI'm not letting myself watch anything to do with BB. I hate it but I know thatif I start watching even the odd one I'll get sucked in.:shock:;)

Good luck with it guys!:brat::big wink:
Ah just watch it Jess! Better to watch now, than start later and not know what's going on. :p

Jen, I know, all that over soggy chips!:rollseyes Only on BB...
I'm not, so far. Every year it gets worse and worse. I used to love it, for the last 3 years i've said 'i'm not watching it' and have ended up watching. This year i haven't so far apart from the opening night.

Its gone down and down and down and even more down. The FIRST series was the BEST EVER. I loved the fact you could watch these people and see just how interesting the human mind it. Now they purposefully fill the house with absolute freaks. If they put nice normal interesting people in there i would watch. It proves that 'normal' people are more interesting than you think.

In 3 weeks i will be addicted, i reckon :p

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
Also (i hate to be asking, it shows that i actually do want to know!) What happened with the whole couples thing? Did they figure it out? Cos that Steph girlw as up for eviction...i saw it on the ads.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
pinksalamander wrote:
Also (i hate to be asking, it shows that i actually do want to know!) What happened with the whole couples thing? Did they figure it out? Cos that Steph girlw as up for eviction...i saw it on the ads.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
LOL! See how you went from not watching it and hating it to asking what's happening? That's the power of Big Brother! :p

They got married but Alex, the evil one was gobby about it the whole way through. Steph was TERRIBLE at the task, because she kept having a go at Mario, and not wanting to be near him etc, so they really didn't look anything like a happy couple lol. Then after, they were all sat round the table, and Big Brother announced that there was a 'secret couple' in the house, and they had to guess who it was. They all guessed Mario and Lisa (his real missus) and therefore they failed the task, so the 'task people' are up for eviction!

Mario to go I hope! :D

I've Sky + tonight's show to watch when Steve goes to bed... :embarrassed:
That is indeed the power :( As i said i bet i will be watching it! I flicked on to the last few minutes of tonights show because i was waiting for My Name is Earl to start ... i wasn't paying attention but then nothing grabbed my attention!

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
I loved the task tonight, so funny!:D Kat was great, she kept going even though it was hurting her so much. Of course Alex had to ruin it. I wish she would stop saying "Member I told ya". What is that!? :grumpy: I don't know if I hate her or Mario more. Probably the slimeball.

Fran just watch it! :D They aren't all freaks this year, less than last year anyway. ;) I love how it aggrivates people so much, a few of us were talking about it at school today, and others were getting so annoyed, if they just watched it they'd get it! I love it, I don't care what others think.
Michaela wrote:
! I love it, I don't care what others think.

It's SO nice to hear I'm not on my own lol!

That Alex is doing my nut in... I've not watched tonight's yet, but I expect it'll be more of the same. Doing whatever she wants and then having a go at other people doing the slightest little thing that annoys her.... Did you hear the other night she said 'whatever, your mother' to someone?! That cracked me up, but it's soo pathetic! Arguments are exciting and stuff but she just annoys me sooo much... She's definately worse than Mario IMO! :nod
Yeah Big Brother addicts unite! :party0002:Lol!

I need my reality TV fix, Britain's got Talent is over, BB for the summer, and X Factor after that! :D (BTW, off topic but what do we all think of the new X Factor judge if anyone watches it? I was surprised tbh..).

Tonight's great in the beginning, the Task, after that not a lot happens, the usual slagging matches, still can't miss it though. ;) Eviction tomorrow!

I think Mario is worse, only because Alex is at least entertaining, he is really dull, and makes me sick. I have mentioned that he is a slimeball? :p
Michaela wrote:
I have mentioned that he is a slimeball? :p
No, you don't like Mario?! Gosh, I never knew! :p

Wathing it now:


It's the most bizzare task I've ever seen, but definately the funniest! The way they scream when they get electrocuted is just cracking me up! Stephanie in the diary room scared to sit down is just hillarious!

I think a couple of years ago, the tasks were really boring... if they're gonna be this funny this year then it'll be a good series.... *kisses goodbye to summer*

And lol at Jen shouting at them for getting it wrong, I'd like to see her do it!!


I thought Rex was a bit of an idiot when he went in, but he's winning me round a bit now standing up to Alex! :)
mouse_chalk wrote:
*kisses goodbye to summer*
My thoughts exactly... :baghead

I know great task, better keep it up. The only task I remember from last year was when they all had to dress as fish and lay in a fish tin.. this year is definitely better. :p Poor Dennis was very upset, I think I like him, wish he would stay clear of Alex.

Good to see Rex finally showing a bit of personality. :) Still very little from Mohammed and a few others, in time I guess. Steph is really growing on me, I hope she stays tomorrow. I think Bex could potentially be a great character, all down to the editing though.

Doesn't it annoy you how Sylvia has to copy everything Alex does? Why can't she use her own mind?
Michaela wrote:
Doesn't it annoy you how Sylvia has to copy everything Alex does? Why can't she use her own mind?
YES! God it annoys me... I keep thinking that she's going to do her own thing for once, and disagree with her, but she seems to just follow her anyway, even if she does disagree! I think it's because she's quite mouthy, or wants to think she is, but doesn't really have the guts to pull it off without someone backing her up!

God, I'm watching the live feed now... that's bad! I have to go to bed! Eviction tomorrow though. Oooohh! :)

Sad to say it but yeah I am watching Big Brother I was moaning at Phil for watching it when it first started and kept saying "Oohh if you want it on I will put up with it for you" he kept saying "Nah it's ok I can watch it tomorrow when your not here" but I made him watch it and tried to pretend I was hating it haha. I say every year I'm not going to watch it.

I HATE Alexandra and Mario!! I want them out! Didn't like Steph much at first as she was always whinning but then she had to put up with Mario in that task thats enough reason for anyone to moan.

I haven't got a fave at the moment. Is it really sad I'm babbling on about Big Bro?!? Can't beleive I'm hooked already!!
I have been watching it and all I can say is:


love watching Kat and Mikey for the win :D

Michaela wrote:
I am not one bit happy about the result. :grumpy:
LOL! I didn't think you would be! I'm not either... Mario had been doing my head in, all his lovey-dovey stuff with Lisa, and her keep telling him how clever he is? Oh PLEASE! All that fake tan has bleached his brain!!

I was liking Steph more too, since she stood up to Alex, that needed doing.

Did you notice how during her eviction interview with Davina, Davina kept asking her about Alex, and did the other housemates feel intimidated by her, and did they feel like they couldn't say certain things because she was around in case she did something, and did she think that Alex was a bully? I think that's because there has been over 750 complaints about Alex's bullying, and over 500 of them to Ofcom! I think that Alex is entertaining, but at the same time I hope she goes soon!

Can't wait for the nominations on Monday! *Mario and Alex* :biggrin2: