Big Ben

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Me too.

Thank God we have his babies.

Thanks everyone, he was just such a neat bun I ammissing him terribly especially in the morning when he would chin meall over and do his head shakes. Ahhhh, this is truly a crappy time forme right now, especially with finals coming up, I'm just not ready tosit down and do homework. I am avoiding ethics like the plague, Ialready am posing to many questions to myself about if I should havetried to do more for him. Thanks for being so supportive, I trulyappreciate it.

Fergi's mom

Dearest Fergi,

Ben taught you and us the lessons he was supposed to and it was time for him to leave.

After what he experienced and your vet told you, whom you trust and isa good vet, there was really only one way you could go in order toavoid further stress, pain, and suffering for Ben. He wouldn't've hadit easy, and chances are high, he would've passed away whether you hadput him down or not.

You have no idea how much I look at Cali and think of Ben. You,showrabbits, and babydoshia are my 'Flemish Family'. When we lost Ben,we lost a family member.

We beat ourselves up when we lose a rabbit, wondering how we could'veprevented it. It gets us no where except for disliking ourselves, angryand sad. Ben wouldn't want you to feel those things. You made the rightdecision.

The life you gave him was one of love, luxury, and beauty. He was happy every day of his life with you.

If I had a choice of who I'd trust my rabbits with, you would certainly be on the list.

Ben accomplished what he needed to. He had to move on where he could help you and watch over you on a deeper level.

Much Love,

That's just terrible. I'm so sorry Fergi. I wasso looking forward to exchanging photos of Murphy and Ben as they grewup together. (They are almost the exact same age) This is such a shock.Of course no one will ever forget your sweet Ben and think how luckyyou are to have his little babies as a constant reminder of him,anactual part of your baby boy for you to hold on to. Will you be keepingany of the babies?

Again, I'm very sorry this happened. So many tragedies lately. I'm gladyou let him go though. We wouldn't want him to be in pain.

Stay stong


I just wanted to let you know again how much I feel for you at thistime. I wish there was something I could do to comfort you or lessenthis terrible blow. Just a cyber-hug, I suppose, and letting you knowyou're in my thoughts.

Thanks so much Carolyn, babydoshia, and m.e., I really appreciate all this support.

Babydoshia, I do plan on keeping at least one and maybe two of Ben'sbabies, I just have to. I had the option of getting another Flemish (a4-H family is downsizing their Flemish herd) but I want Ben's babiesinstead I think. I always looked forward to the pictures of Murphy forthe same reason, they were so much alike. Please give him a big kiss onthe nose for me and keep posting pictures of that beautiful boy.

Carolyn, in my heart I know you are right but it is so hard to admitthat sometimes there are things I can't control. I already suffer froman anxiety disorder so this has just added to my anxiety. I will betaking some time out to pray about it so that I can put Ben to rest inmy heart. Thank you again for the kindness you have shown me, pleasegive Cali and big kiss on the forehead for me, I miss the big broadforehead:(

m.e. I really think it is special that you took the time out to comeback to this post and give me a cyber hug, thank you for being such akind, wonderful, person during this difficult time for me.

Fergi's mom

I will indeed kiss Cali-girl for you. (Tucker is so terriblewith her. He boxes at the cage when she passes by, but sheseems to care less. She's happy when he's in lock-up, but shedoes fear him when he's out. He cannot be trusted with her,so I have to let them out separately. Cali and Fauna getalong just fine, and that really makes Tucker even moreangry. This rabbit of mine sure thinks he's The King of TheWorld. I've got my hands full with him.)

It's understandable that you'd be feeling anxiety at thistime. I think we were all feeling it this week after what hasgone on here with some of our favorite rabbits this week. Iknow that I was feeling it, and I felt it when one gets sick.You worry they're all going to go. As Buck says, 'What adifference a day makes.'

What I'm trying to say is that it's very normal for you to have thefeelings you do at this time. Treat yourself as you wouldyour own best friend. What would you say to your best friendif she was you right now? All those things must be reiteratedto your own self right now.

Oh Fergi, this is terrible. That beautiful boy.My favourite photos were ofBen with his kits - such a dotingDaddy :(. What a terrible, terrible loss. Just looking at thosepictures makes me cry, so I can't imagine what you are going throughright now. You will be in my prayers.


Ben was on my mindA Lot Today,Fergi.


Yes Carolyn, he's been on my mind a lot as well.I still miss him so much, he just had the BEST personality ever. It'sfunny you bumped this today of all days. I was under a lot of stresstoday with BPA competitions and whenever I am stressed I get weepy. SoI was driving to school and crying while I thought of not being able tospend this spring with Ben or Debbie.

I appreciate all the support you guys have given me through thesedifficult times of loss for me. I know you all feel the loss of Ben aswell, he touched many people's hearts.

Fergi's mom
Fergi, I think of Ben often. I don't know what itwas about him, but he was so special and loved by so many. Like Pamsaid, the picture of him with his baby was so touching. I keep a coupleof photos of him - I hope that is OK - and I feel like I actually knewhim. - Jan
pamnock wrote:
He held a special place in my heart -- that photo of him with his baby was so endearing.


Which one? It's so wonderful that his love for his babies was caught on film more than once.

I hug Cali a little longer when I think of Ben. Her cheeks, her tail,and the coloring around her eyes remind me a lot of Ben.

Since you said it here they are:







I miss my little babies too:(They grow up way to fast!

Fergi's mom

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