Best veggie to start with?

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Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
Morganton, North Carolina, USA
Is romaine lettuce a good veggie to start with? I have some big hearts of romaine leaves and didn't know if I should give them a whole leaf of it to start out with or just maybe half? Also should I just introduce 1 veggie a week or what would be best and what all veggies are the best to start with?
you can introduce a new one every three days or so :)

I started with romaine hearts myself, gave 'em a big leaf to start with and then a couple the next day.

kale seemed to pop up a LOT on the thread where people were mentioning their bunns' favorite veggies.
My bunny has never had issues with any of the junk my parents through in his cage (lettuce, fruit skins, etc.), though my girlfriend insists she read somewhere that certain types of lettuce can cause digestive problems.

We tend to stick to leaf spinach. The rabbits love it like a treat so the whole family can sit down and have a salad together. :)
If this is a young rabbit who's never had any veggies before, just start off with a bite or 2 the 1st day & slowly increase it, so the digestive system can adapt.

Iceberg MAY be ok if the rabbit needs to lose weight. But otherwise it has little nutritive value.
ldoerr wrote:
I would limit the spinach if I were you. It is high in calcium.
Never knew it could be a problem. Did a quick Google search and this site recommends no more than 3 meals per week. Does this sound right to you? (This is significantly more than what we feed them. They get it in snack portions MAYBE once a week.)

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