Well, usually if you get hay from a store, its gonna be Timothy hay. Timothy is okay. But grass/prairie hay is the best and rabbits tend to take to it best in most situations. Fiber is SO important in their diet, and LOTS of it. I couldn't find a supplier so far for what Benjamin needs, but hopefully soon I'll get it. Right now he has Timothy hay. I am not happy about that all being what I can get a hold of right now. But I have no choice. He picks at it. It has a good smell and color, but he is not impressed. Brome is sweet as far as hay goes. I don't remember if I ever gave that to my buns before. But I prefer to offer grass hay, soooooo.... Try Dandelion leaves as well. If bunbun is picking at hay, its gonna make it easy for tummy upset. Dandelions helps in that area SO much.